Potato juice with pancreatitis and cholecystitis

Those people who suffer from these diseases know that the most important condition for well-being and long-term remission is the observance of a diet, doctors are surely warned about this fact. But not everyone knows that with pancreatitis and cholecystitis potato juice can help, but this is a long-used means of reducing the unpleasant symptoms of these ailments.

How to drink potato juice for treatment?

If you decide to use this remedy, then you must remember the main condition of its use, it sounds like this - before you start treatment with pancreatic potato juice, you should definitely consult with your doctor, otherwise you can only harm your health . Once the doctor's permission to use this product is obtained, you can proceed to the course of procedures.

Most often, doctors recommend using this scheme of treatment with freshly squeezed potato juice:

  1. Using fresh, so-called young roots, squeeze 100 ml of juice.
  2. Drink liquid immediately after preparation, calculating the time so that food intake takes place only after 60 minutes.
  3. You can drink juice 3 times a day for 5-7 days, then take a break for 10 days.

When carrying out such a course of treatment of pancreatitis and cholecystitis with potato juice, it is important to follow a strict diet. Do not eat meat, fish and fatty foods, it is important to give up sweets and alcohol, otherwise you will not feel the effect of the procedures. It is also necessary to remember that deterioration of well-being is a good reason for interrupting the intake of juice and contacting a doctor, since each individual's organism has its own individual characteristics and can respond to treatment extremely untypically.

There is another scheme of juice, it is to drink 200 ml of this liquid in the morning on an empty stomach, breakfast should not be abundant at this time and it is allowed only after 60 minutes. The course of juice intake in this case lasts 10-12 days, the basic safety rules are the same as when using the first scheme, that is, you must follow a diet and get a doctor's permission.

The second scheme is often advised to apply to those who have already undergone traditional treatment, but wish to prolong the period of remission, since it rather refers to supporting methods, that is, prevents the occurrence of unpleasant symptoms.