Renal colic - treatment

If urine suddenly stops draining from the kidneys, the pressure in the pelvis increases rapidly (hypertension), the lumen of the arteries supplying the tissues with blood narrows, and oxygen starvation develops. The result of all these pathological processes is renal colic - treatment of this condition involves emergency measures, as it is accompanied by intense, and sometimes unbearable, pain.

Treatment of renal colic in the home

When the cause of the problem is an inflammatory process without the presence of solid stones (stones), the attack can be stopped independently:

  1. Lie in the bathroom with the maximum tolerable hot water or put the heating pad on the painful area (10-20 minutes).
  2. Drink a few glasses of warm water.
  3. Take antispasmodics.

Effective painkillers for the treatment of renal colic:

If the measures taken are ineffective and there are no improvements, a medical team should be called up.

How is renal colic treated in a hospital?

After hospitalization, doctors first relieve pain syndrome through antispasmodics in tablets, as well as injections or infusions:

Then drugs are prescribed that contribute to the normalization of the urinary system:

Further therapy depends on the causes of colic, but necessarily includes adherence to a therapeutic diet.

Treatment of renal colic with folk remedies

There are many recipes from non-traditional medicine that facilitate the considered state. The most effective is considered a refreshing herbal remedy.

Prescription means


Preparation and use

Mixed herbs pour a glass of boiling water, insist 25 minutes. Drink the remedy for 1 time. Repeat daily.