How to make a guy fall in love?

Even the ancient sages claimed that a more surprising and unpredictable feeling than love does not exist. Some of the Amur's arrow hits instantly and to the heart, while others, in order to win their second half, have to make a lot of effort for this ...

But, here, it happened just with you. You fell in love! He is the most beautiful, the most charming and affectionate. In a word, he is the only one you have seen in your dreams for so long, but, alas ... he does not even look in your direction. What to do? How to make a guy fall in love with himself, without resorting to love potions and magic rituals?

  1. Define the goal. First of all, you need to clearly decide for yourself what exactly you want from the object of your dreams. You say, for example, I want to fall in love with a guy, in order to prove to myself that I can play the role of a fatal seducer. Or: I want to win his heart, because I am sure that he is my second half, and I simply can not imagine my life without him. From the way you answer this question, the further methods of struggle will also depend. If this is love, then it's really worth fighting for your happiness, if only a minute's weakness, think carefully - is the game worth the candle?
  2. Find common points of contact. Many psychologists on the question of how quickly to fall in love with a guy, are advised, first of all, to start with the search for common interests. If you are already familiar, it will be easier to implement this clause of the plan, especially if you show a little trick and ingenuity. For example, if the object of love experiences is your classmate or co-worker, contact him with any request. Tell me that you have been recommended to him as the best programmer / expert on computer / pro / mobile technologist / expert and state that he and only he can help in solving your problem (think this out beforehand). In the same case, if you are not already familiar, say that you are conducting a social survey / study / writing a thesis project, and his opinion is of great importance to you.
  3. Show your interest in it. One of the most effective ways in an operation called "How to fall in love with a guy?" Sounds like this - show him that he cares for you. But in this case, the main thing is not to overdo it. It is not necessary to look at him with dog-like, faithful eyes, constantly repeating that they are ready for everything. Hint him - a quick glance from under the eyelashes, a smile, accidentally dropped phrase - that he is interesting to you, but nothing more. Demonstrate to him that you do not attach much importance to these feelings (even if it is not so), which will certainly awaken in him the hunting passion and the desire to prove to you that he is worthy of your admiration.
  4. Be active. How can you fall in love with a guy in a short time and is it possible? It is possible, although it will require a lot of effort. In this case heavy artillery must be used. Invite him on a date. In order for the chances for a positive response to be higher, make him an offer, from which he will be unable to refuse. If he is a football fan, then say that you accidentally turned out to be two tickets for a match or you by lucky chance became the owner of a monthly subscription for two in a gym or a bowling club, and there is nobody to go there with.

And some more tips, how to fall in love with a guy seriously and for a long time.

Summarizing all of the above, it should be noted that there is still no, and hardly the only correct answer to the question "How to make a guy fall in love?", Since the most effective way to win a lover is to tell us only our heart. Therefore, do not forget to listen to it.