Is it useful fat?

Specific taste of lard is a product for an amateur. In fact, it is fat in its pure form, obtained by the body. Doctors and nutritionists seek to find the best answer to the question of how much fat one should eat per day, whether this product is needed for every person, whether it is necessary to accustom oneself to eat fat. Disputes about the usefulness of lard have lasted for a very long time. Even there is a diet based on the use of fat. The controversy about whether fat is useful, does not subside, and the saloons at this time do not deny themselves such a weakness - to eat fat with black bread . It turns out really delicious.

About the value of the product

When asked whether it is useful for the body, it is always necessary to answer in the affirmative. In itself, lard is a valuable product. Just need to accustom yourself to take the most necessary things from nature, and not abuse it. Buy usually pork fat, which is a thick subcutaneous fat. It contains various biologically necessary substances, microelements, vitamins (A, D, F, E). Salo is very rich in fatty acids, and the most valuable is arachidonic acid.

These components affect the work of the brain, internal organs, the composition of blood, even the work of the heart muscles. Eating a small piece of fat a day, you can increase the level of healthy cholesterol in the blood. The best combination is lard with garlic.

As we have already said, fat contains a large concentration of various fatty acids. They are needed to improve the work of the vessels, to change the cell membrane. Thanks to this, the vessels and tissues become more elastic, healthy. Many representatives of the fair half ask whether it is beneficial for women. Because of the presence of fatty acids - of course, yes. Harmful product becomes with excessive craze. As, however, in all.

About preferences

The product is used in different forms - it can be marinade, salted or smoked bacon, boiled or fried. For those who love him very much, but are worried about his health, it is better to give preference to the product in pickling or marinade. Talking about whether salted or smoked bacon is useful, then, of course, salted can be considered a more winning option, since it is known practically to everyone about the dangers of smoked foods.

About a day's norm of fat, too, there is a lot of controversy. It is believed that an adult takes 9-12 grams of fat per day, which is quite enough. The maximum serving per week is one hundred grams. If you adhere to such norms, then the benefits will be noticeable.

In order for lard to show all its most useful qualities, use it better in the mornings, for a powerful strong energy make-up for the whole day. In addition, high caloric value product, if it is used in the morning, not so affect the weight.

There is a fat in the morning even useful. A small piece will strengthen the outflow of bile, which accumulates overnight. This is the natural cleansing of the body.

What else is important?

Use only a quality product purchased from a verified seller. Natural fat is pure, soft, visually attractive, has no veins and hard fibers, contains no hormones and is grown without toxins.