Is it possible to plant a garden after Easter?

With the onset of spring for each trucker, it becomes urgent to observe the timing of planting various crops. Many at the same time are guided by the hints of nature, on the lunar calendar. Some people have questions about the timing of crops to the dates of various holidays. And one of the questions most often asked by beginners is whether it is possible to plant a garden after Easter?

When can I plant a garden after Easter?

Easter refers to the holidays, in which the date changes every year. It can occur on different numbers of April and early May. At the same time, for orchards there are tentative dates, when their landing is most favorable. For example:

Given that in recent years, the weather is not stable, experienced summer residents, choosing the time for planting a garden, are guided by wildlife tips. To them it is possible to carry the following national signs:

When should I plant and transplant after Easter?

Given that Easter is a great religious holiday, believing people are interested: on what week after Easter can not be planted? In accordance with the church canons, it is generally accepted that one can not work all the following week after this holiday. This time should be dedicated to prayers, visiting the church and turning to God.

On the other hand, everyone who is accustomed to working on the earth knows the saying that one spring day feeds all year round. Therefore, the question of agricultural work is more applicable: on what day after Easter can you plant? In this respect, the rule is applied that it is possible to start planting a garden three days after Easter.

The terms of planting of garden crops vary from year to year depending on the weather conditions. Spring can be early, timely or late. Therefore, it is important to correctly orient yourself and decide on the planting time, as this will help to get a good harvest in the future.