Men are more romantic than women?

Everyone knows that it is generally accepted that women are the personification of romance and that they are often always ready for the unexpected impulses of tenderness of their soul and beautiful deeds in the name of love for their beloved. But the psychology of our time has managed to destroy this myth. But "How?" - we will find out right now.

Psychology of two worlds

Knights of the 21st century, without paying attention to themselves, forget about such things, which for their pious are of considerable importance. They in the last seconds run after the gift and remember the anniversary of their meeting or the first kiss. But, as studies have shown, despite such actions, men still turned out to be more romantic.

Researchers Pepper Schwartz and James Witte conducted online surveys. About 80 thousand people took part in them. Thus, the respondents came to the unanimous opinion that the male half of humanity tends to be more beautiful than the female one. Respondents responded with great sincerity to questions concerning their behavior in the relationship. Proceeding from this, it became known that 49% of the representatives of the stronger sex fell in love with their current wives at first sight. From the position of the ladies, this indicator turned out to be smaller - only 30%.

Moreover, the world of psychology has learned that more than half of the men surveyed find the strength to admit that they felt enamored after the first date .

It is important to note that another poll gave interesting results. It turned out that 75% of gentlemen go headlong into love after only three visits. In turn, women, first of all, prefer the prompts of the mind, logic, but not the heart. And only 11% of women respondents experience strong feelings after a couple of minutes after getting to know a man and only after the sixth date the girl is ready to open her heart to a new love.

Explanations of man's romanticism

Psychologists explain the results of such studies by the fact that young people unconsciously base their initial feelings on the girl's appearance. So, however strange it may sound, but at the first impression of it, subconsciously they form the following concept: if it is beautiful, then it is worthy of my love. The female world of feelings is more complicated. After all, ladies are used to carefully weighing all the pros and cons before concluding that this man is allowed to see the hidden pages of her life book.

The Nature of Romanticism

Romantic behavior in men causes the hormone testosterone. Yes, it's the one who is responsible for the sex drive. It's all interconnected. It is developed in order that the young man began to want a girl, therefore, properly behave himself. How is "in a proper way"? The answer is simple: as described in the magazines, is shown in the movie. But, no matter how regrettable for the female half, it did not sound, but after owning a beauty, romanticism instantly dissipated. After all, it becomes unnecessary until the next applicant appears.

Over the years, the allocation of testosterone decreases and a man can no longer boast of his former romance in his actions towards his beloved.

As for women and the nature of their romanticism, the root of all this is in the estrogen. It is a hormone that causes a feeling of self-satisfaction, relationships with others, life in general. So, the romanticism in the actions of the lover, light touch, romance, melodrama, as well as serials contribute to the release of this hormone into the blood.

Remember that each person is unique and even at the sight of the inflated sportsman, the bodybuilder should not underestimate the level of his romanticism. There are no people who put the notion of "romance" into one and the same meaning. So, women in response to a request to define the romanticism of mentioning a trip to the theater, dinner in a restaurant, a beautiful gift, etc. And men - escape from civilization, family life in a small tent.