Diseases of asters and their control

Lush and elegant asters can become an ornament of any garden or flowerbed. Unobtrusive flowers do not require special care, however, the diseases inherent in an aster can ruin the appearance of plants and even lead to their death. In your hands, the opportunity to save their own plantations. Well, our article will provide full information about the diseases of asters and the fight against them.

Black leg in asters

Recognize the disease is not difficult, because at the very base the stalk of the asters noticeably turns black. As a result, the plant is weakened and inevitably dies. Unfortunately, it is not possible to save an asthma affected. However, it is quite possible to save subsequent shoots, for which purpose it is necessary to treat the soil with an antiseptic agent, for example, 1% manganese solution, chloric lime or a solution of copper sulfate. In addition, do not forget to sanitize the seeds of the aster before sowing.

Fusariosis in asters

Fusarium, caused by fungus, is considered one of the most dangerous diseases of asters. Spores of the fungus, stored in the soil, penetrate first into the root system, and then into the trunk, not allowing nutrients to enter the bud and leaves. As a consequence, wilting, twisting of leaves and subsequent drying occur in plants in the budding stage. Often, on the affected astra, you can find brown spots and longitudinal dark bands - the main sign of fusariosis.

Unfortunately, you can not cure diseased plants. It remains only to take steps to protect asters from diseases of this kind. Excellent treatment is the treatment of seeds with a solution of copper chloride, 0.5%, "Topsin" or "Fundazol". In addition, leaving the development of the fungus will help the introduction of lime in the soil, which perfectly neutralizes the fungus preferred acid medium. The contaminated land is sprayed with fungicides, for example, "Ditan".

Rust against asters

Speaking about the diseases of the flowers of asters and their treatment, we can not fail to mention one of the characteristic diseases - rust. It is not difficult to detect it: first, on the inside of the leaflets, you can find an orange-brown swelling, a place where the fungus spores develop. As it develops, the leaves dry out. If you do not take action, the rust spores will overwinter in the soil, and then your asters will hit again.

Since the source of rust is most often coniferous trees, in particular pine, it is recommended to plant asters away from them. If rust has already occurred on your site, it is recommended to spray the asters seedlings with an antiseptic agent. To handle asters from diseases, such solutions are suitable, for example, Bordeaux liquid 1% or gray-known mixture.

Jaundice in asters

Unlike the aforementioned diseases of annual asters, jaundice is a viral disease. It is most often carried by insects - primarily aphids, thrips or cicadas. The onset of the disease is marked by a yellowing in the asters of the leaf plate in the veins. Then there is complete yellowing of the leaf, slowing the growth of flowers and budding.

If we talk about how to treat asters from such diseases, then the first thing it is important to do is to prevent pests that the virus can bring. For this, asters and growing in the vicinity plants need to be sprinkled with insecticides, for example, "Aktellikom", "Iskra", "Tanrek", "Aktara" and others.

Brown spot on asters

This disease significantly impairs the attractive appearance of flowers. When buds are formed, the lower leaves are affected by spots of different sizes of light brown color. Gradually the asters dry up and die.

At the first signs of a brown patchiness of the plant, it is necessary to sprinkle with antiseptic solutions, as already mentioned above, with Bordeaux liquid or with copper oxychloride.