Oleander ordinary - care at home

Many indoor and garden plants migrated from the wild to the vases, some plants simply settled down in other latitudes. Having created favorable conditions, there are all chances to grow once wild-growing shrubs in their backyard.

Can I keep the oleander at home?

The answer to the question is unequivocally difficult, since a huge number of admissions and superstitions are associated with the Mediterranean rose. However, you can not rely only on them, because such things are rarely true. To deny that an oleander is a poisonous plant would also be wrong. From this it follows that the decision to grow in the house will have to be weighed as much as possible.

It's not bad to get acquainted with some peculiarities of growth, they really can be an unpleasant surprise:

Oleander common for all listed hazards is considered a useful plant in terms of energy. Its aroma absorbs all toxins in the atmosphere, neutralizes them. Actually, this property is for houses where only recently a repair has been made. It is believed that the plant and the body clears from harmful accumulations. There is an opinion that those working in the office where the oleander common bushes grow, the level of fatigue is less, and there is no accumulation of negative energy from the impact of technology.

Oleander at home

With regard to the question of how to care for oleander at home, then stop at several points. Oleander called capricious, difficult to grow at home, but in fact it is important to him only a few moments in care. The task of the florist is to ensure the correct composition of the soil and organize watering, and also to cut branches in time. Do not forget that the oleander is an ordinary native of warm edges, it needs bright light.

Oleander pruning at home

A lot of green mass and abundant flowering - the expected result, when pruning of oleander ordinary is carried out according to the rules. Engage in the formation of the crown every year, suitable for these purposes fall after the fall of flowers. Shoots that pleased you with flowers this year, need rest and trimming to a third of their length. In the next season, flowering will be on young, newly grown shoots.

Knowledgeable growers share secrets and tips on how to get a lush and well-filled green bush. Oleander ordinary sometimes looks untidy, its branches stick out in all directions, they are bald and completely unsightly. The radical pruning will save the situation: shoots are cut only above the kidney, and only at an angle. After such an event, the appearance of the oleander of the ordinary changes before our eyes.

When and how to replant the oleander?

As each culture grows, you need to change the pot. Some are comfortable in a tight pot, there are flowers lovers of space. Young seedlings need to be identified in new pots every year, adult representatives feel quite comfortable in one place for two or three years. Transplantation of oleander at home occurs according to the same rules: we do not touch adults for three years, young people move to new flowerpots in the spring each season.

The success of the event directly depends on the following factors:

  1. Young and mature shrubs are equally sensitive to the composition of the soil. Ideal proportions are the ratio of one to one, where peat with turf and deciduous soil is taken one by one. Perfectly responds to the green pet, if you add to this mixture another part of the river clean sand and humus.
  2. A good drainage layer is important for oleander. The order of three centimeters of expanded clay is an ample layer for the normal development of the root system.
  3. Concerning the timing of transplantation, the opinions of the florists differed. Some recommend to update the flowerpot in the early autumn, when shoots drop flowers. Other sources say about the spring period, when the branches begin active growth.
  4. Transplantation of an adult flower is carried out on the principle of a clearly close pot. As soon as the gardener sees that there is not enough room for the roots, you can search for a larger pot. Sometimes it is permissible to change the top layer of the soil once a year to fresh, fertile soil.

How does the oleander multiply?

Any florist will tell you that the simplest solution always comes down to cuttings. So you can preserve varietal features, protect yourself from long and painstaking work with seeds. Everything is easy here, since it is even possible for a newcomer to grow an oleander from a cuttings in the world of gardening. But it is necessary to take exceptionally green cuttings, which did not have time to become covered with strong bark.

Root seedlings are traditionally recommended in two ways: waterless and in water. The first option involves placing the appendage in sand or perlite under the film. It can give results. However, a jar of water, where additional tablets of activated carbon are placed, is definitely more reliable. It is important to cover the neck to create high humidity conditions for rooting.

Oleander - diseases and pests

No plant in the development process is immune from insect attack and disease occurrence. Diseases of oleander are almost always the result of a violation of agrotechnical conditions. If a scabbard appeared, the sheets should be wiped with a soap solution. Always an excellent result gives the drug " Actellik ". Soap will help and when a spider mite appears, wash it off with hot water. All this is justified for powdery mildew .

Oleander - care and growing outdoors

In the garden, ordinary bushes do not just grow, they easily turn into real rosaries. However, planting them directly into the ground, if the temperature in your region drops below zero in winter, is not recommended. For an oleander plant, care and cultivation in the garden is not much different from the room conditions. All the advice is justified, but the difficulty lies in adapting the bush after changing places.

After the transfer, carefully monitor the humidity, it should not be too dry and stale. The plant belongs to the evergreen, it does not discard leaves after flowering. This somewhat complicates the work, because you have to water it and provide the correct lighting. Some gardeners acquire a special photosynthetic lamp for these purposes.

Wintering of oleander

To get abundant flowering in the next season, it is important to understand the question of how oleander winter. Just a few small things, carefully observed by you, will solve the problem. The temperature should not be above 12 ° C, otherwise the bush will not rest. Watering is very mild, no fertilizer. If the light is not enough, the bush will discard the leaves. A combination of radical trimming and wintering in the dark is acceptable.

Cultivation of the Mediterranean rose was not so difficult, but requiring attention of the florist at every stage of its growth. Given a sufficient amount of attention, you have every chance to grow a lush green bush with fragrant flowers at home.