Tomato "French grozdevoy"

Love tomatoes, but prefer not to waste time caring for plants? Then you are ideal for a tomato variety "French grozdevoy." This kind of tomato is not the result of French breeding, as one might think from the name, in fact it is bred in Siberia. Associations with France arise when looking at the berries of this variety that are like the grapes "Lady's finger". It is very easy to take care of these plants, and the harvest is almost always magnificent.

General information

Let's start with a brief introduction to the characteristics of the tomato variety "French grozdevoy." The bush of tomatoes is quite powerful, usually grows above a meter, requires a garter. The berries of this variety are not too large (90-110 grams), they have a dense skin. For this very reason, they are widely used for conservation, because their oblong shape and small size make it easy to fit into a jar and is very appetizing and unusual to look on the table. Tomato variety "French grozdevoy" can collect in the crop year up to 20 kilograms from the bush. These tomatoes are perfectly stored and transported without costs for long distances. It is these properties that made this variety extremely popular for growing for sale.

Helpful Tips

When growing tomatoes of this variety, we should not forget that bushes grow very large, a lot of fruit is tied up on them. For this reason it is highly undesirable to plant more than two bushes per square meter. All farmers who already have the experience of successfully cultivating this culture, unanimously repeat that it is in no way impossible to go in for the French grozdevoy variety. Than a large bush grows, the better will be the harvest. In a good year on the bushes of this variety, the most real bunches of tomato berries are formed. It happened, that for one season from a bush received more than 300 fruits. But, as you probably understood, to obtain such a high yield you need fertile soil. For this reason, in the early spring, biological fertilizers, such as compost , humus, peat, etc., will be needed in the future tomato beds. When growing this variety is very important timely garter plants, because they often break down under the weight of fruit grapes.

Experienced farmers say: to provide the family with tomatoes for the whole summer and autumn, it is enough to plant 3-4 bush of these wonderful tomatoes.