Problem skin of the face

When communicating or meeting people, our face serves as a calling card. And the attitude of the interlocutors to us depends on how it looks. Owners of beautiful, even face skin attract the eye. They are more relaxed and self-confident.

Unfortunately, many people who have long since emerged from adolescence have problematic skin. This can be the result of any skin disease.

The most common ones are:

The resulting skin defects can be masked with a tonal tool or concealer, but this is not a solution to the problem. It is necessary to find and eliminate the cause of the poor condition of the skin.

Causes of problematic skin

Care for problem skin

The main rule of skin care is purification. The face should be cleaned twice a day. The high-fat emissions, accumulated overnight, can clog pores. So in the morning, it is necessary to perform a purification procedure. By the end of the day, a lot of dust and dirt accumulates on the skin, so this procedure needs to be repeated in the evening.

How correctly to look after a problem skin of the face?

Proper care of the skin is very important. There are certain remedies for problem skin of the face. You just need to pick them up according to the type of your skin. After a few days of use, you will see if they suit you.

Cosmetics for problem skin

Many cosmetics manufacturers have a series of products to care for problem skin. These are gels, masks, peelings, tonics and creams.

  1. The gel should be applied to the damp skin of the face, foamed and rinsed with water. The water temperature should be at room temperature. Hot water should not be washed, as it promotes the expansion of pores and more active secretion of sebum.
  2. As an excellent cleanser suitable mask for the face for problem skin. The most suitable is a mask containing clay. It opens the pores and absorbs the skin discharge.
  3. A good effect is peeling for the face. It can be superficial, medium and deep (chemical). Care for problem skin in the home, should be done, resorting not more than once a week, to a superficial peeling. Chemical peeling for problem skin is the most popular means of skin renewal. With its help, exfoliation of the upper layers of the epidermis occurs and stimulation of skin regeneration. But this procedure should be carried out by a cosmetologist.
  4. Another stage of care for problem skin is toning. After cleansing the skin on the face, apply a tonic with a cotton swab.
  5. The application of cream is the final stage of care. Face cream for problem skin moisturizes and soothes the skin, gives it a smooth color, eliminates peeling.

Treatment of problematic skin

It is possible to address to experts, and it is possible and independently to carry out treatment of a problem skin of the face in house conditions. However, it should be remembered that:

By observing simple tips for caring for problem skin, you can significantly improve her condition.