How to putty the ceiling from plasterboard?

This finishing material is so practical in use that now enjoys great popularity among consumers. But the installation of sheets is not the final stage in our work. You still need to cover the ceiling in the room with beautiful wallpaper, various decorative tiles or paint the surface. Putty allows you to finally level the ceiling in the room and prepare it for the subsequent finishing works.

What tools are needed to work?

Puttying of the ceiling from gypsum board - the process is not too clean, but it is not particularly difficult for a beginner builder. It is very easy to prepare a working solution. It is necessary to fill the bucket with 1/3 of water and gradually add the filler there, mixing everything with a mixer. Ready-to-work mix looks like a thick sour cream. It is best to make as much mortar as possible to fully develop it, and then prepare yourself a new one.

How to plaster the ceiling of plasterboard?

  1. Joints are cut off at an angle (it is desirable to make an edge at 45 degrees).
  2. The surface of drywall is coated with a roller primer.
  3. At the seams special mesh tape is glued, and then they are sealed with a solution.
  4. Now you need to allow time for the joints to dry out (about a day).
  5. With a large spatula, we apply the mortar to the gypsum board and stretch it over the surface (creating a layer 1-2 mm thick).
  6. We let the ceiling dry, and on the next day, gently cut the stains with a small spatula.

After the plaster has completely dried, level the ceiling from the gypsum board, performing grinding, eliminating all visible defects. Our ceiling is fully ready for subsequent operations - painting or pasting with stylish wallpaper.