Patties with peas

In this article we will pay attention to one of the most ancient recipes, known since the days of Ancient Rus - fragrant patties with peas. Let's figure out the intricacies of cooking this dish in theory and in practice.

Pies with peas on yogurt


For the test:

For filling:


Before preparing pies with peas, the peas themselves should be soaked in cold water mixed with a teaspoon of soda. While peas swell, we will do the test: kefir is slightly heated and mixed with soda. Add 1 egg room temperature, sugar and salt to kefir based, carefully mix everything. We sift the flour and add it in portions to kefir. We knead a soft, elastic dough that will not stick to your hands. We give the dough to stand in the heat for 30-40 minutes, in order for the gluten of flour to swell.

Swollen peas boil to softness and we rub with a blender. Add in the puree pieces of butter, salt and pepper. Onions are fried until soft and also mixed with pea filling.

Pieces of dough roll out, put in the center of the filling and tear the edges. Fry the patties until golden in vegetable oil. Fried patty pies ready!

Recipe for yeast pies with peas


For the test:

For filling:


Yeast pour a small amount of warm water with sugar, let stand for 10-15 minutes. The flour is sieved and added to the yeast solution, then we send the salt and sour cream. We mix a thick, not sticky dough.

Boiled peas are purried with fried onions, add egg, salt, pepper and butter. Chop the stuffing out of the peas for pies with greens.

Roll out portions of dough and lay out on the cakes stuffing. The edges of tortillas are tampered in any convenient way for you, then grease each patty with beaten egg yolk or melted butter.

Bake pies with peas in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees. Warm pies with peas are equally good as with a cup of fragrant tea , and with a glass of milk.