How to remove a tick from a dog?

One of the first signs of a tick bite of a dog are: fever , deterioration of appetite, a state of apathy. If an animal has blood in the urine or a yellowed egg whites, this already indicates very serious symptoms.

If a tick is found on the dog's body, the most important thing is not to panic, but to try to quickly remove it. After removing the mite and treating the wound, observe the dog for a few days, measure the temperature daily.

If there are serious symptoms indicating a tick bite - it is worth contacting the veterinary clinic.

Remove the mite yourself

Having learned how to properly remove a tick from a dog, it can make a master at home. If the tick detected on the body of the pet is placed upside down, then it is possible to gently, very slowly try to pull it with tweezers.

You should not pull the mite off sharply, because when you jerk, small spikes will get even stronger into the skin of the animal, and there is a risk that only the body of the mite will get out, and his head will still be in the wound.

As carefully as possible, remove the tick from the dog with tweezers or a tick-twister (a special device that is sold in pet stores, with a hook-shaped handle with a slit tapering at the end). To do this, grab the mite near the head, as close to the skin of the dog, using the available device, then without sharp jerks, do a few clockwise turns to detach all the stuck thorns from the animal's body and then pull the mite up.

If the first time does not work, repeat the procedure again, showing patience. Do not try to pull the mite to the side, only strictly up to pull it out entirely.

There are times when the mite's head still remains in the wound, then it is necessary to pull it out quickly with tweezers and treat the wound on the animal's body with an antiseptic. All manipulations should be carried out in gloves, since the tick can be the causative agent of a disease dangerous to humans.

There are ways to remove a tick from a dog using oil, vodka or other liquid that blocks the tick from accessing oxygen. To do this, pour the liquid into the wound, after 20-25 minutes the insect relaxes the proboscis and falls out of the wound itself.

You can help this process with tweezers, slowly and gently unscrewing the mite. Do this carefully, so as not to crush the insect, if the tick is infected with a virus, then the infection can get into the blood of the animal.

Tick ​​in ear in dog

Remove the tick from the ear of the dog can be the same as with the body, using a liquid that will not allow the insect to breathe, and it will come out itself, although many dog ​​breeders are skeptical of independent attempts by dog ​​owners to get the tick out of the animal's ear.

The best solution will be to contact a specialist, only he will be able to determine the type of mite, perhaps a medication will be prescribed, if the animal, the so-called ear mite, causes ear scabies, itching, various discharge from the ear.

Mite under the skin of a dog

Sometimes the mite is under the skin of a dog. This occurs if it is not immediately detected and has already managed to penetrate deeply into the animal's body, leaving a noticeable tubercle at the site of penetration, or during its removal a part of the insect remained in the wound.

The removal of the mite from the skin of the dog, as well as from an open wound, at home occurs with the help of improvised means. You can use a disinfected needle and remove the mite or part of it as a normal splinter, but this method is quite painful for the pet.

There is a way more simple and safe, but less effective - applying a warm vinegar compress to the bite site, this will give the body a chance to independently push the insect outward. If a failed attempt is made to exclude the formation of an abscess and the development of an infection, it is better to contact the veterinarian.