The breed of dog boxer

For all the menacing title, boxers are incredibly friendly and patient dogs. Knowingly they are often advised to have families with children, because this breed will suit even the role of nurse.

Description of the breed of dog boxer

This rock belongs to the so-called square. If we draw vertically and horizontally through the body, we get a figure close to a square one. According to the description of the breed standard dog boxer, the weight of the animal varies between 20-37 kg, the height is about 66 cm. Females can be slightly smaller.

Dogs are considered to be large boxers, although they can be attributed to the average. But what really catches your eye is the development of the muscular skeleton in the dog. His musculature is visible to the naked eye. As for the color, it is almost always a brindle or a reddish pattern. Often the representatives of this breed have a black mask. It can be called a visiting card of the dog.

In addition to mask and color, the dog breed of the boxer has another distinctive and recognizable feature. It's about the structure of the jaw. Their muzzle is square, with a characteristic bite. Ears are triangular and snug against the head.

Characteristics of the breed dog boxer

Although outwardly the dog looks rather formidable and even dangerous, at home it is the real soul of the company. Strangely enough, but behind this appearance lies a sociable and completely loyal temper. If we have another pet, the boxer will most likely be able to make friends with him. For families with children, the character of dog breeder boxer is one of the most successful decisions. Dog loves not just to play with the home, but spend with them as much time as possible and in every possible way fool around. So you can count on a true friend for your children and yourself.

Features of care for dogs of the breed boxer

Although the characteristics of the dog boxer breed requires a measured and calm family life, but care for the pet will have to be carefully and diligently. First of all, remember his propensity for food allergy . Preferably the combination of food with natural dishes, among which must be meat and cereal, but one dry pet food is not the best choice.

As for education and training, here you have to literally negotiate with the dog. His intelligence allows you to master any commands and easily learn them. But the natural stubbornness complicates the process of upbringing somewhat, and here one will have to praise the dog more, but do not scold her. And remember that this dog can not be kept on the street, because one and the painful points of her health are colds.