Breast without nipples

This phenomenon, like a breast without nipples, is often the reason for the development of the complex in women, as a result of which their personal life does not add up. A similar phenomenon in gynecology was called "retracted nipples" , a condition when they are directed inwards, and a small depression forms in the center of the areola.

What is the cause of this violation?

This phenomenon, like a breast without a convex nipple, is fixed quite often. Most women are embarrassed to see a doctor with their problem, so this is usually diagnosed when there is a need for breastfeeding after childbirth.

Among the reasons for this phenomenon, physicians most commonly call the following factors:

What should I do if my breasts are without a nipple?

First of all, a woman can independently take attempts to remedy such a situation. Everything depends on the severity of the violation.

So, doctors advise at the base to try rhythmically compress the nipple with your thumbs. This contributes to their stretching.

Also there are special shaping nipple pads. Wear them under the bra during the day, and at night shoot. As a result of the pressure created by this device on the peraleolar region, the nipple gradually protrudes outward. Typically, this kind of pads are used after delivery, if necessary breastfeeding.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, such a violation, as a female breast without nipples, is perfectly amenable to correction. If the methods described above are ineffective, surgical intervention, mammoplasty, can be prescribed that help to solve the problem completely.