Burning after urination

Sometimes women have a problem such as burning or itching after the end of the process of urination. These feelings can be strong and not very, can be associated with some conditions (for example, arise after having sex). Burning sensation can be felt both in the urethra and in the vagina.

Every woman should understand that such a state is not normal. After all, the process of emptying the bladder should not be associated with unpleasant, and even more painful, sensations.

Therefore, when there is even a slight burning sensation after urination, a woman should think about why this happens and see a doctor.

Causes of burning after urination

The presence of various kinds of cuts, itching, pain or burning after or during the process of urination always indicates that there is an infectious process in the genitourinary system.

Among the possible causes of this phenomenon are:

In addition to burning during urination and after it, inflammation of the bladder can also be accompanied by fever, pain, increased urge to empty the bladder, lower abdominal pain, blood in the urine, urinary incontinence. In the case of postcoital cystitis, burning with urination usually occurs after having sex.

If the unpleasant sensations are caused by inflammation of the urethra, the burning during the urination is accompanied by itching, strong purulent discharge from the urethra. In this case, the first portion of urine is usually cloudy with flakes and threads.

In cystalgia, the burning sensation during urine withdrawal is supplemented by frequent urge to urinate. The pain is somewhat reminiscent of the symptoms of cystitis. The difference is that with cystalgia pain increases during menstruation and after intercourse. This disease usually aggravates after nervous shocks, and not after hypothermia, as with cystitis.

In pregnancy, a woman can also experience burning sensation after urination. This is due to the fact that the enlarged uterus presses more strongly on the bladder, causing unpleasant symptoms. This, along with difficulty urinating, urinary incontinence with sneezing, coughing, frequent urination, is a temporary phenomenon that goes away without a trace after the birth of the baby.

But sometimes the itching, pain and burning sensation during the discharge of urine during pregnancy can be signs of a pathology, for example, candidiasis, which is caused by the activation of a conditionally pathogenic microflora associated with the hormonal restructuring of the female body during childbearing. Often during pregnancy due to the cramped position of the bladder, its inflammation occurs.

Burning with urination can occur immediately after birth. This is due to the increase in the volume of the bladder due to the suddenly expanded space next to it. If a woman is stitched on the crotch or the wall of the vagina, this too can lead to painful sensations due to irritation of the wound with urine.

In any case, if the above symptoms occur, a woman should consult a doctor. Treatment of burning after urination, is carried out depending on what kind of disease it was caused.