How to care for a leather jacket that would preserve its appearance?

Beautiful and practical are leather products - a material that is resistant to various contaminants. Even considering this fact it is important to know how to look after a leather jacket to maintain its attractive appearance for many years. There are a number of rules concerning the washing of such outerwear.

Care for a leather jacket

There are some simple tips that should be considered in order to properly care for such outerwear:

  1. Take care that the jacket does not get wet, so if it's raining, do the proper drying and cleaning.
  2. Caring for a leather jacket at home means regular removal of dust and other contaminants from the surface.
  3. Drying things is necessary in natural conditions, avoiding direct sun rays and hot air flows.
  4. Skin care of the jacket includes the use of special impregnations to protect and soften the material.
  5. If you have acquired a new tool to look after such things, then test it on a small piece of cloth in an inconspicuous place to avoid spoilage.

How to soften a leather jacket with glycerin?

You can meet advice that to care for the skin, to cope with the creases and make it softer, you can use glycerin, which lubricate the surface, leave for 4 hours and remove the residue with a dry rag. In fact, glycerine should not be included in the care of a leather jacket, since this means not only makes the material softer, but also leads to a loss of strength of the product. It is best to soften the use of castor oil, which is applied with a cotton swab on the entire surface of the product, and after 1-1.5 hours, the treatment can be repeated.

Painting a leather jacket at home

There are many different methods, how to paint a leather product , and you can use liquid and dry paints. There are aerosols, but only they need to be properly applied, so that the paint is distributed evenly, and this does not work for everyone. It is important to know how to degrease the leather jacket before painting to get the perfect result. For this purpose, suitable wet wipes, alcohol and soap solution, which should not be concentrated. Finding out how to properly care for a leather jacket, we will disassemble the main options for staining:

  1. Liquid paint. Shake the bottle and pour the paint into a glass container. Place the jacket on an unnecessary sheet or other fabric, leveling all the parts. In the dye, moisten the brush and walk it along the surface, performing translational movements. Please note that the paint layer should be uniform. Dry for several hours, and then treat the surface with a mild soapy solution.
  2. Dry paint. This option of painting gives a longer lasting effect. First you need to soak the product for three hours, so that the skin becomes soft and saturated with moisture. Powder dilute in warm water, so that there are no lumps. Bring to a boil a couple of liters of water and add the color mixture there. When the liquid has cooled down to 40 ° C, lower the jacket in it for 2-3 hours. Turn the product from time to time to achieve uniform coloring. After that, rinse it several times. To fix the color, mix 1 tbsp. vinegar, 1 tbsp. a bed of salt and 1 liter of water. In the resulting solution, lower the jacket for half an hour. You just have to dry it.

Means for care of a leather jacket

In the shops of household chemicals and where they sell leather products, you can find special means for delicate cleaning. Describing how to care for a leather jacket, we will stop on such popular means:

  1. Leather Protection Cream. The cream, which is applied to the surface before the jacket's socks, has a protective effect. Due to this, it is possible to prevent the appearance of different spots and scuffs.
  2. Leather Stain Remover. You can wash a leather jacket using this tool that can cope with the most complex and persistent dirt, for example, it removes traces of paint, nail polish and various dyes.
  3. Mold Remover. Another popular means to take care of the skin. It effectively eliminates bacteria and stains. Enough of one cleaning and disappear, not only pollution, but also an unpleasant stale smell. You can use this tool for prevention.

How to wash a leather jacket at home?

Things made of leather and even a substitute are not recommended to be washed at home and it is better to give preference to local removal of contaminants or to send them to dry cleaners. It is necessary to take care of such outer clothing delicately, considering that the material is afraid of moisture and intense mechanical stress, which is difficult to avoid with machine and hand washing. It is important to know how to properly wash a leather jacket, so that the thing does not fade and the skin does not crawl. This is more about new things.

Can I wash a leather jacket by hand?

Since in most cases hand washing involves soaking in powder for some time and a mechanical effect, it is also unsuitable for leather products. Otherwise, after such exposure, things will be overdried and quickly cracked, and it will be difficult to restore them, and sometimes it is impossible. If you are wondering whether it is possible to wash a leather jacket with your hands, then it is worth knowing that it is recommended to give preference to local cleaning, without soaking it completely.

Can I wash a leather jacket in a washing machine?

If the clothes are new, then it is better not to use the automatic machine, because problems can not be avoided. Finding out whether it is possible to wash a leather jacket in a typewriter, it is worth noting that if the thing is old, the procedure is still permitted, but with the following rules:

  1. It is recommended to take only 2 tbsp. a spoonful of powder, otherwise the product may leave white stains. In stores you can find detergents designed to take care of the skin.
  2. It is important to follow three rules: delicate mode, cold water and minimum washing time. Violation of at least one of them can lead to serious consequences.
  3. Before you send the jacket to the drum, zip up all the fasteners and turn the product inside out. Thanks to this, you can protect the skin from deformities.

How to remove a stain from a leather jacket?

On the outer clothing can be formed different pollution, which spoils the appearance and sometimes makes the thing unsuitable for wearing. There are several ways how to clean a leather jacket at home:

  1. Contamination of ink and pens can be removed with alcohol.
  2. With jackets of white color and other light colors, you can clean up dirt by treating problem areas with milk to remove makeup.
  3. From the blood, the surface can be cleaned by wiping it with a sponge, which should be soaked in soapy water.
  4. Understanding how to care for a leather jacket, it is worth noting that you can remove contamination of unknown origin with a mixture of talc and turpentine. The composition should be applied to the place of contamination, and after complete drying, clean with a dry cloth.

How to remove a grease stain from a leather jacket?

The most common are greasy stains, but there are many tools that fight them effectively.

  1. Take a piece of natural cloth and treat it with alcohol. Clean from the center to the edges. Another way to use this method is to remove contaminants from the wine.
  2. A greasy stain from a leather jacket can be removed with ammonia, which should be diluted in equal proportions with water. In the resulting solution add the crushed soap, mix until dissolved and treat the problem area. Leave for 15 minutes, and then walk around with a damp cloth. After that, rub the surface with a clean flannel.
  3. Another way to take care of a leather jacket, if fatty stains have formed, involves the use of talcum powder, which needs to be well covered with problem areas. Leave it overnight, then shake it off with a clean cloth.

The leather jacket was covered with spots after the rain - what should I do?

Moisture for leather products is an enemy, so, after rain or snow, unattractive white stains may remain on them. There are simple secrets about how to take care of a leather jacket and return it to its former form:

  1. The product needs to be gently wiped and hung on a wide hanger away from heating appliances, as hot air will destroy the shine and make the skin stiff.
  2. When the jacket is completely dry, wipe it with a fresh orange peel. The best solution is to take care of the skin using a special cream with silicone.
  3. If spots appear on the leather jacket, then wipe these places in a circular motion. To do this, use a brush made of rubber or brass.
  4. You can wipe the surface with a mixture of milk and turpentine. After that, lubricate it with a pale cream and clean to a shine with a brush.
  5. It is important to properly care for the product, applying periodically to the skin a water-repellent spray.

On the leather jacket there were stains of mold - what to do?

Since clothes are made of natural material, if stored incorrectly, mold may appear on it. First you need to evaluate what part of the product it covers, and if the scale is huge, then it is better to throw it away. For those who are interested in whether leather jackets are washed when mold is detected, it is necessary to know that it is better to turn to a dry cleaner with such a problem. Houses for cleaning use gasoline, in which moisten a cotton swab and wipe them problem areas, and then wipe dry. To cope with the unpleasant odor, treat the jacket with lemon peel.

How to remove a spot of glue from a leather jacket?

This serious pollution and coping with it is not so simple. You can take a solvent, but it will wash off the paint and ruin your clothes. Finding out how to clean a leather jacket at home, it is worth pointing out a common method that involves cleaning the glue with a nail file or polishing. Use it only when the glue is completely dry. Note that the movements should be soft and circular. Scratched skin should be treated with dye in tone. You can also take a 5% solution of ammonia.

How to remove stains on the collar of a leather jacket?

More often, contaminants appear on the collar, since direct contact with the skin occurs. Describing how to care for a leather jacket, it is worth pointing about the need to clean the collar every 10 days. For this purpose, a soapy solution is used, which should be neutral, moisten the sponge in it and treat the collar, remove the remaining foam and wipe dry. There are several ways how to clean a leather jacket from greasy spots:

  1. Take baking soda and add a little water to it, so that the result is a gruel, which is wiped off the collar, and then, rinse with plain water.
  2. Will help to cope with greasy onions and laundry soap. Cut the vegetable into halves and wipe the contamination. After that, dissolve a small amount of laundry soap in warm water, dampen the cotton swab in the finished solution and process the collar, and then remove the remnants of the soap solution.
  3. Describing what to clean the skin of a jacket, it is worth mentioning one more method - egg white, which should be rubbed and left to dry completely. Then remove the protein with a cloth.

Spot of perfume on a leather jacket

Familiar for many situation - before leaving the house to splurge on yourself with your favorite perfume, after which can remain ugly divorce. There are several ways to effectively clean:

  1. The most accessible means is alcohol, but it works if the contamination is fresh. To properly care for the twist, wipe the problem area soaked in alcohol fleece. Sometimes this can lead to a discoloration of the product, so it is important to know how to paint the stain on the leather jacket, as described above.
  2. If the substances managed to grasp, then it is best to use a mixture of ammonia and peroxide (take the ingredients in equal proportions). Treate the surface with a cotton swab.