How to remove glue from clothes?

Not so often, but it also happens that a drop of glue still gets on someone's clothes. Your things can also suffer when you glue your favorite vase , and the child who did the handicraft at school. And then, many mistresses are wondering how and how to remove stains of glue from clothes? At the same time, it is necessary to act - the sooner, the better.

You are just lucky if the spot is noticed still fresh, so it will be easier to withdraw. But how to wipe the glue off your clothes when it is already dry? Methods of removing such spots are quite a lot, it all depends on the type of glue.

How to remove stains of PVA glue from clothes?

They can be very easily disposed of. You should immediately soak a place with a stain in warm water, after which, it is good to wash. Alternatively, you can take a cotton wool or a piece of cloth, help it in vinegar or denatured alcohol and wipe the stain. After half an hour just soak and wash the thing thoroughly.

How to wash silicate glue off clothes?

It should immediately soak a thing in soapy warm water, literally for 3 to 4 hours. Then you need to carefully rub the stain with laundry soap, and rub it with a sponge or a brush. Then rinse the thing in clean water.

There is another way to remove such glue from clothes. In warm water, dissolve two tablespoons of detergent, then add three of the same spoons of baking soda and soak the soiled object for three hours. After all, wipe the stains with a stiff brush, wash the thing as usual, after rinsing it.

How to remove super glue from clothes?

As a rule, such glues as "Supermoment" and "Moment" are able to leave very stubborn stains, which have to be removed by solvent 646, kerosene, gasoline, acetone or white spirit. To remove such stains, moisten the sponge with one of the above means, wipe the stained areas with it and leave for half an hour. Repeat the procedure, then rinse clothes in soapy water, then clean. Then proceed with the usual washing.

How to wash casein glue with clothes


It is customary to remove it with a solution of ammonia and glycerin. Spot in the beginning you need to wipe, then wash in soapy solution. The spots of casein glue from jeans material is best removed with gasoline, followed by washing.

As you can see, there are many ways how to remove glue from clothes. But for this you need to make considerable efforts, otherwise you risk losing your favorite thing.