Than wash your hands of butter?

When autumn comes and everything is covered with yellow foliage, it is especially pleasant to walk through the forest. The autumn forest has its own, incomparable smell and mysterious, attractive charm. After the rain, not only many mushrooms appear in the forest, but countless mushroom pickers.

In the autumn forest you can find a variety of mushrooms: from ordinary russula to white. It happens to find several types of mushrooms in the neighborhood. In any case, to collect mushrooms is only paired with an experienced mushroom picker and by all means. You need to know how to properly remove dirt from oily mushrooms or other types of mushrooms.

Masljats ​​carry to that kind of mushrooms which has the distinctive attribute and to confuse them with other kinds of edible or poisonous mushrooms it is complex or difficult. The young mushroom has a light hint of a hat, the adult is brown, but each of them under the hat has a skirt.

It is good to collect mushrooms and have a few proven recipes in reserve, you need to be able to competently clean mushrooms and prepare them for cooking. The most difficult task has always been cleaning mushrooms. Dirt from oilers has some features, because it is the most difficult to wash these mushrooms from.

What to wash your hands after cleaning oil?

After preparation and cleansing the oily hands become not just dirty, they acquire a dirty black and brown shade. How can I wash my hands of butter? Remember the main rule: the first thing you can never try to wash your hands of oilers is a soap. Soap in this case will not just be useless, it will become the developer and fixer of a dirty plaque on the hands. After using soap you can use anything, but you will not be able to wash your hands of oil.

  1. Before trying to wash your hands of butter mushrooms, dip them into the water with the addition of vinegar. Dilute vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and put the stained hands there for 5-6 minutes. Now in this solution you need to add a little soda (2-3 teaspoons is enough). Put your hands back in there and start rubbing them. This can be done with a hard sponge (mitt for the shower) or pumice. Do not forget, after the procedure of rubbing, rinse your hands under running water and abundantly spread them with a nutritious cream.
  2. There is one more remedy than you can wash your hands of oilers. The remedy is cheap and affordable - citric acid. Prepare the tub: dilute in warm water a bag of citric acid and dip your hands there. The bath should be taken for a few minutes. After a while, the acid will begin to affect the colored enzymes of the fungi. Instead of citric acid, you can simply rub your fingers with a slice of lemon. After using the lemon, you need to rub your fingers properly under the faucet. Dirt must pass without difficulty. In the end, brush your hands with cream.
  3. What to wash your hands after cleaning oil, if you do not have anything on hand? If you decide to pick mushrooms spontaneously and do not have time to prepare, you can get rid of dirt on your hands with a pumice stone. It is better to use a pumice stone of a young breed. Almost at each dacha there is always either pumice or hard wool. Immediately after cleaning the mushrooms, dip your hands into warm water and thoroughly rub them. If the stains do not completely disappear, they will become less noticeable. At least you can get home and finally cleanse your skin.
  4. Some mushroom pickers recommend instead of vinegar to use a simple liquid to remove varnish. Choose the most simple liquid, based on acetone. Wet a cotton swab in the liquid and gently rub your fingers. Gradually, the cotton swab will acquire a dirty shade, which indicates the effectiveness of the method.
  5. Keep in mind that all these methods will help to eliminate dirt only partially. Completely traces of mushrooms will only come off after a while, but you can go out and not hide your hands at the same time.