Love relationship

Virtually all love relationships begin with a mutual attraction. Basically, women choose a partner on an intuitive level, and then everything happens according to the accelerated scenario of the modern world. Today it is much easier to tell a beloved "Farewell" than to fight for improvement and preservation of relations. According to psychologists, such feelings last no more than 3 years, sooner or later the action of pheromones ends and a crisis sets in the relationship.

Periods of love relationships

  1. Saturation . It is during this period that all feats are performed in the name of love, verses and songs are composed. This state is also called "chemical love" and compare it with a sense of euphoria. At this time, beloved spend a lot of time together and revel in each other's feelings.
  2. Over-saturation . The next stage in the development of love relationships arises when the receptacle of feelings overflows. It can come in a year or even a week, it all depends on the person. Still this period for many couples is that step "from love to hatred".
  3. Rejection . This condition can be compared with awakening, after a violent alcoholic night. The crisis of love relationships is characterized by serious frustrations in the partner, and even by depression . It is during this period that many couples diverge. Basically, it happens very often because of a selfish principle: today I feel good, so we are together, and tomorrow, I feel bad and we disagree.
  4. Patience . At this stage of love relationships reach men and women who still appreciate each other and are ready to work on themselves. The main condition that will help to cope with problems and achieve patience is the existence of life values. Partners should clearly understand why they are together and whether they want to maintain relations.
  5. Debt . It is the combination of patience and a sense of duty that will help to cope with the crisis in the relationship and move on to the next stage. Many can say that love and duty are completely different concepts, but only those relationships for which they struggle exist for a long time. Strange as it may seem, the principle of "Stirred - falls in love" often works. No wonder our grandmothers lived that way, and the percentage of divorces at that time was almost zero.
  6. Respect . Relations that have experienced all the previous stages, become strong and they begin to show gratitude and love. Only a spiritually rich man is capable of tolerating and doing something out of a sense of duty .

Understanding the psychology of love relationships will help maintain a warm relationship and carry them into your heart for many years.