How to understand whether a man loves?

Sometimes a woman can only guess how her object of sympathy is related to her. Between the first date and a declaration of love, as a rule, a lot of time must pass. What if the patience is running out and how does the man love to understand, when is it so important? Let's sort it out in order.

Strictly by points

Women sometimes display boldness and initiative in the matter of recognition in feelings. But before telling a guy or a man about his love, I want to understand that he also loves. After all, we all, one way or another, count and hope for reciprocity.

The fact that a man is attracted to you exclusively in sexual terms, will say the following signs:

It also happens that a man perceives you as a friend, a comrade, but nothing more. He does not want to offend your obvious sympathy for him, so he tries to behave nobly. Many girls confuse this almost with an early proposal of the hand and heart. It is not necessary to feed illusions, if:

General rule

How to understand that a man loves you, whether he is your husband, lover, or former lover. There are certain moments that give out any representative of the strong half, "infected" with a love fever. Do not doubt his feelings if:

In custody

What is the love of a man? Care, patience, generosity and much more, as we have already explained. However, it is worth considering one feature. For a woman, love is the experience that causes her the object of her passion. In fact, she loves not so much a man as the feelings and emotions that are associated with him.

As for men, things are a bit different here. For him, the love of a woman is a pleasure, a pleasure that is associated with it. This is not only an intimate part of the relationship, but also spiritual harmony, closeness, community of interests. As soon as the partner stops receiving this from you, he loses his pleasure, then the probability that he will move away is great.

Remember this and do not make foolish mistakes.