What feelings are there?

Our emotions and feelings are a reaction to events or current events. They are a product of thinking, experience and experience. Let us consider in more detail what kinds of feelings there are .

What are the senses?

  1. Sight . Is one of the most important sense organs. With its help, a person receives more than 95% of the information. It allows not only to identify an object, but also to understand its location in space, to monitor its movement, to determine colors and brightness.
  2. Hearing . Allows you to perceive information even at a great distance. Without it, people lose the ability to pronounce articulate speech, and animals can not escape predators, discover prey.
  3. Equilibrium . Vestibular apparatus allows you to determine the position of the body and navigate in space. Participates in the implementation of conscious movements.
  4. Taste . Our tongue has taste buds that react to salty, sweet, sour, bitter, etc. Recognize the taste helps temperature, pain, olfactory and tactile receptors.
  5. Touch . The feeling of objects provides information about the size, surface, shape, density and other properties of the object. A person can learn to recognize a vibrational feeling that is of great importance to deaf people.
  6. The sense of smell . In the nose there are olfactory cells, each of which detects a substance of a certain composition and sends an impulse to the brain. It is worth remembering that volatile and soluble substances can cause irritation of olfactory cells.

What are feelings and emotions?

  1. Interest is a condition that promotes the development of certain skills.
  2. Surprise is a neutral emotion that is associated with a reaction to suddenness. It is peculiar to him to slow down all emotions that appear after surprise.
  3. Anger is a negative state. When a subject wishes to achieve his goal, but something prevents him from doing this, he is enraged, which gradually turns into anger.
  4. Contempt is a negative emotion that arises between individuals with different attitudes and views. If a person evaluates the behavior of his counterpart as a base person, this hostile feeling appears.
  5. Shame - a negative state, which is expressed in a person's awareness of their own mistakes. This feeling covers him when he does not meet his own hopes and expectations of others.
  6. Joy is a positive emotion associated with the ability to satisfy any human need. This feeling is accompanied by satisfaction with oneself and the outside world. What are the feelings and feelings of joy? This pleasure, joy, delight, admiration, anticipation, bliss, etc.
  7. Suffering is a negative feeling that has a close connection with the impossibility of meeting very important needs. This is an asthenic emotion that often occurs during stress . The hardest form of suffering is grief.
  8. Disgust is undoubtedly a negative emotion. Called by surrounding objects or entities. Contact with them causes a contradiction of ethical and moral attitudes of the subject.
  9. Fear is a negative emotion that is connected with damage to the well-being of the individual. When a person experiences an emotion of fear, he has insufficient information about the outcome of specific events, which causes him to worry.
  10. Wines are a negative state. Expressed in the awareness of the lowliness of their actions and their acceptance. This feeling causes regret and remorse, a desire to improve the situation or correct yourself.

Now you know what feelings are. We gave a list of the most important emotions of Isard Carroll, a famous American psychologist.