How to stop heavy bleeding with menstruation?

Such a violation of the menstrual cycle, like severe bleeding with menstruation, makes you worry. A woman often does not know what to do in this case, since it is difficult to determine the cause by herself. Let us examine this phenomenon in more detail, let us single out the factors that determine it, the measures of struggle.

Severe bleeding with menstruation - causes

Determine the factor that affects the amount of blood emitted during menstruation is often difficult. Doctors prescribe a large number of surveys, which include:

Based on the data obtained, it is possible to find out what increases the bleeding at monthly intervals in an individual case. Among the reasons it is necessary to name:

  1. The failure of the hormonal system. With the prevalence of estrogen concentration, there is an increased growth of endometrial cells that make up the inner layer of the uterus. With its detachment, which is noted during menstruation, there is a large discharge of blood, sometimes with clots. This can also be in the premenopause, when the reproductive function of the organism is dying away. With the onset of the menopause period, everything comes back to normal.
  2. Endometriosis. The disease is characterized by the gradual growth of cells of the inner layer of the uterus into nearby tissues. Because of the change in the hormonal background, their increase is noted, which provokes bleeding from the uterus. In such cases, drug therapy is required.
  3. Tumor processes (myoma) can cause severe bleeding during prolonged periods. They are noted in women of reproductive age. A benign tumor almost always provokes the appearance of blood from the vagina, lengthening of menstrual flow. These signs and are the basis of the reference to the gynecologist, who diagnoses the disease. It is worth noting that when menopause, fibroids gradually self-diminishes, in view of the decline in the synthesis of hormones.

In addition to the above disorders, the increase in the volume of menstrual blood can be at:

Abundant period or bleeding - how to determine?

It is necessary to distinguish strictly 2 different terms: heavy bleeding with monthly and uterine bleeding. The second is associated with the loss of a large amount of blood, which is fraught with the development of anemia. Before the beginning of therapy it is necessary to find out what is observed in the girl: monthly or bleeding, - how to determine which, everyone should know. If several of the following symptoms are present, it is a loss of blood:

Abundant bleeding with menstruation - what to do?

Do not engage in self-treatment, even in cases where there is knowledge of how to stop bleeding with menstruation. In such a situation, it is worthwhile to consult a doctor whose task will be to determine the immediate cause of the violation. The girl must follow the following rules:

To reduce the excessive bleeding with menstruation, you can use cold. Filled with a cold water bottle, put on the bottom third of the abdomen. The duration of one procedure is 15 minutes. The water should not be very cold, - 20-25 degrees. Decreased body temperature in this area can trigger the development of the inflammatory process. You can not exceed the duration of manipulation.

Drugs for bleeding with menstruation

All appointments are carried out exclusively by physicians. With mild violation, tablets are prescribed for bleeding with menstruation. Among them:

At strongly expressed symptomatology, nyxes from a bleeding at monthly are done or made. Among the drugs used in this case:

How to reduce bleeding with menstruation - folk remedies

Choosing what to stop bleeding with menstruation, women resort to the help of traditional medicine. Effective recipes in this situation can be:

Than to treat a bleeding at monthly more month?

Bleeding for more than a month indicates hormonal changes in the body, requires appropriate therapy. Hormonal hemostasis is performed in combination with general treatment, it presupposes: