Classic okroshka - recipe

As for okroshka as a dish in general, then practically from everyone you can hear an affirmative positive answer about whether one likes her taste or not. But if you consider the variations of food using some basis for its preparation, here the opinions vary considerably. Someone likes okroshka on kefir with sausage, someone prefers a dish on the water with boiled tongue. And some just crazy about the taste of the dish on broth or kvass with meat. Each of the options in one or another region is considered classic, and the preparation of the most popular of them we will consider below in our recipes.

Okroshka - a classic recipe with sausage on kefir



To make okroshki on this recipe sausage, eggs, potatoes and cucumbers cut into roughly equal cubes. Radish shredded all the same cubes, only as small as possible. Grind also finely stalks of green onions and sprigs of dill. All the prepared ingredients are combined in a bowl, seasoned with salt and mixed. For serving in plates, we impose a loaded thick filling portion and pour it with kefir. If kefir is too thick, then it can be diluted with a little boiled chilled water before use.

Absolutely identical is the classic recipe for okroshki with sausage on the serum, where it is used instead of kefir. For greater saturation in this case, as a rule, additionally add to the plate to taste sour cream or mayonnaise.

Okroshka - a classic recipe for kvass with beef



A dense base for okroshka is prepared in the same way as the recipe described above, but instead of sausage, in this case, cut into small cubes the boiled beef until soft. In the rest, also mix the ingredients crushed with cubes, add them and add them in portions on plates. Fill all with kvass, add to each serving about a spoonful of sour cream and mix. Kvass in this case is better to use unsweetened.

Okroshka - a classic recipe with sausage on water with vinegar



The preparatory stage in the process of cooking okroshki on the water is not much different from the previous ones. Sausage, cucumbers, eggs and potatoes shall be crushed into cubes and placed in a saucepan. Add the sliced ​​green onion, dill and pour all the water, which must be boiled in advance and cooled in the refrigerator. Add sour cream or classic mayonnaise, add salt to taste and add vinegar. The latter, if desired, can be replaced with lemon juice or citric acid. You can serve the food right away, but it is advisable to let it brew a little in the fridge.