FSH reduced

If a woman or a man has a lower FSH hormone level, they should be worried about their sexual health. Low FSH often speaks of infertility, impotence, slowing of sexual development in children or atrophy of reproductive organs in adults.

The decrease in the level of this hormone is usually caused by:

At the same time, in both sexes there is a decrease in libido, a decrease in the growth of the hair, an accelerated appearance of wrinkles.

Low levels of FSH in women

During the menstrual cycle, the norm of the hormone FSH is constantly changing.

  1. Before ovulation, the normal level is 2.8 to 11.3 meg / liter of blood.
  2. During ovulation - from 5.8 to 21.
  3. After it, the level is reduced to a minimum - from 1.2 to 9 mU / liter.

Low FSH in women is accompanied by the following symptoms:

FSH is lower in men

If a man has a lower FSH hormone level, the risk of impotence and testicular atrophy increases, and sperm can also be absent.

For men, the FSH index at the lower limit of the norm is 1.37 meU per liter of blood.

How to increase the level of FSH?

No self-medication will help, effective folk remedies are not available. With a lower FSH, the only option is to go to a doctor (gynecologist, endocrinologist, reproductive health specialist) who will prescribe the correct hormonal treatment directed primarily at combating the causes causing a decrease in FSH.