Vikasol with copious monthly

Many women know firsthand about such an unpleasant problem as heavy bleeding accompanying menstruation. The causes of this are often hormonal disruptions, prolonged absence of menstruation and a number of gynecological diseases. If you have too many months , it makes sense to visit a gynecologist, but sometimes this is not possible, so you have to help yourself by drinking a pill or taking a shot. Hemostatic medications today are plentiful, but many have a number of disadvantages in the form of side effects. If the case is single, then this is permissible, but with constant bleeding, a doctor's consultation is mandatory. Only a specialist will select the necessary hemostatic agent, which will not cause allergies and other "pobochek".

Indications for use of vikasol

Very often, women advise each other with copious monthly and uterine bleeding vikasol - a drug of the old generation, which has long been not very good reputation. Few people think about the fact that this drug will not bring a quick result, because it begins to act only after the menstruation is over. In addition, Vikassol has side effects, and uncontrolled reception is the cause of serious complications.

Among the indications for the use of vikasol, hypoprothrombinemia, caused by a lack of vitamin K, impaired pancreatic function, obstructive jaundice, dysentery, ulcerative colitis, prolonged diarrhea and other diseases.

When taking vikasol for stopping menstruation or reducing the number of secretions, allergic reactions, dizziness, lowering of pressure, tachycardia are often observed. Is that why before that? how to drink Vikasol with menstruation, check with your doctor. It should also be noted that vikasol has contraindications, including hypercoagulability, thromboembolism, hypersensitivity, hepatic insufficiency, pregnancy, etc.

Mechanism of action of the drug

This drug is a water-soluble synthetic agent, an analog of vitamin K, which is lipophilic. With its help, prothrombin formation occurs. In addition, the mechanism of action of vikasol is also in the haemostatic action.

If the body is deficient in vitamin K, then there is a risk of hemorrhagic phenomena. On this basis, appoint Vikasol to delay the monthly or to reduce their intensity, as well as duration. This drug replenishes the lack of vitamin K, solving the problem of heavy bleeding.


How to take vikasol with menstruation depends on the form of the drug.

  1. If it is a tablet, the dosage of vikasol is as follows: 0.015-0.03 grams per day (2 tablets).
  2. If the drug is taken intramuscularly, then a day also can not take more than 0.03 grams (one injection).

The dosage can not be exceeded, since the unregulated administration of vicasol often leads to edema and the formation of thromboses in the body. In addition, the blood that the body has already developed and tried to bring out, stops artificially, but remains inside, and its decomposition is extremely dangerous!

It is not necessary because of the upcoming trip to the sea or a trip to the pool, which coincided with the onset of menstruation, to take this medication. It is possible that you will be able to stop or significantly reduce the amount of bleeding with menstruation, but in the future your body can "get revenge" for gross interference with its natural physiological functions. Gynecological diseases, which can result from the administration of vikasol, will have to be treated longer than the monthly ones that you once stopped.