Treatment of sinusitis without puncture

Sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is a common disease caused by the penetration of the nose of the infection into the mucous tissue of the nose. The inflammatory process can be acute or go to a chronic form, but in any case, there are such manifestations as a runny nose, squeezing headache and pain in the facial area from the eye sockets to the upper jaw.

Currently, there are several ways to treat sinusitis, the most famous of them is the puncture of the maxillary sinus . When the procedure is performed, the doctor, treating the place of the future puncture with lidocaine, pierces the bone septum with a sterile needle and uses the saline solution to wash out the contents of the sinus. It is clear that even such a simple "operation" does some damage to the patient's body. In this connection, for those who suffer from the disease, the following questions are urgent: is puncture necessary in genyantritis, and how to avoid it?

How is maxillary sinusitis treated without a puncture?

Undoubtedly, only an expert can decide whether a puncture is necessary with genyantritis. An experienced ENT doctor never hurries to prescribe a puncture and, if possible, will choose one of the ways to treat maxillary sinusitis without a puncture.

Let's consider modern methods of treatment of a genyantritis without a puncture.

Moving fluid

The method of moving the liquid or, as it is also called, "cuckoo", is used in many medical institutions. Thanks to painlessness, this procedure is prescribed even for young children. The technique of carrying out the "cuckoo" is as follows:

  1. Catheters are inserted into the nostrils of the patient.
  2. Through one of the catheters, a solution of furacilin is passed under pressure, and the other - pumped out the liquid from the sinuses.

Usually, after 5 to 7 procedures, the sinusitis is healed forever.


A comparatively recently developed method for the treatment of purulent antritis without puncture is the use of the YAMIK catheter. The technique of the procedure is similar to that of the "cuckoo", but the catheter in this version is a rigid tube with small latex containers at both ends. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The tube with balloons is installed in the nasal sinus.
  2. The balloons swell, the pus is pumped out with a syringe.
  3. At the same time, another drug is injected with another syringe.

Laser Therapy

Laser or phototherapy is based on the sanitizing properties of light. Radiation eliminates the infectious focus, while reducing local edema and improving blood circulation.


Treatment of acute and chronic sinusitis without puncture with traditional medicine is permissible only with mild disease. The most effective ways are:

  1. Rinsing of the nasopharynx with a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate or a weak solution of iodine.
  2. Inhalations using aromatic oils.
  3. Pairwise turundock from gauze, impregnated with a mixture of vegetable oil and crushed inter-nodules of a golden mustache, inserted into the nasal passages.
  4. Carved from chestnut fruits small sticks, inserted into both nostrils.
  5. Burying the nose with a solution of honey (on a tablespoon of boiled water - half a teaspoon of honey) or aloe (8 - 10 drops of juice per teaspoon of water).

There is still a lot of recipes and recommendations, how to cure sinusitis without punctures, but before trying them on yourself, we advise you to consult with your doctor.

Important! Simultaneously with the main therapy should take care of strengthening immunity. To activate internal protection, you can use:

In the off-season it is desirable to consume more onions and garlic, which contain phytoncides.