Boiled ajika with horseradish for the winter

By the following recipes, you can prepare a tasty cooked adzhika with horseradish for the winter. This workpiece is perfectly stored at room temperature and does not require the presence of additional space in the refrigerator.

Boiled ajika with horseradish, tomatoes and garlic - a recipe for winter



The washed tomatoes are cut into several pieces and passed through a meat grinder. In the same way we grind the pungent and sweet peppers and the horseradish root, previously washed and peeled from seeds and stems. Do not forget to wear rubber gloves when working with hot peppers.

All the ingredients are added to the enameled container, we add vegetable oil, salt and granulated sugar, mix well and determine for fire. Boil adzhika for one hour, at the end throw the squeezed through the press garlic, pour vinegar and mix.

Still hot we spread adjika on prepared in advance sterile jars, we roll with boiled lids and we hide under a warm blanket before full cooling.

Cooked adzhika with horseradish, carrots and apples is a recipe for winter



Tomatoes, apples, bitter and sweet my peppers, dried, rid of the pedicels and seeds and cut into several parts. When working with hot peppers, we must wear rubber gloves to avoid burning your fingers.

Onions, carrots and horseradish are cleaned and, if necessary, also ground.

Now grind the prepared vegetables, using a meat grinder, we determine in an enameled container and put it on the fire. After boiling, we can keep the mass under the lid on a moderate fire, stirring, for sixty minutes. Then add salt, sugar, vegetable oil and vinegar, throw the pre-cleaned and squeezed through the press garlic, cook another five minutes and turn off the stove.

We spread hot adzhika on pre-prepared sterilized jars and cap them with sterile lids. We define it under a warm blanket until it cools completely and put it into storage for other blanks.

Delicious cooked adzhika with horseradish and herbs



We wash and dry tomatoes, peppers and we save from the pedicels and seeds. The root of horseradish and garlic is cleaned and if necessary washed. All the vegetables are cut into pieces, let's go one or two times through the meat grinder and add them to the enamel pot.

Warm the mass to a boil and cook over low heat for thirty minutes, stirring. Then add pre-cleaned and passed through the press garlic, finely chopped greens, we throw salt, sugar, vinegar to taste and pour in vegetable oil. It is also possible at this stage to season Adzhika with various spices. We give the workpiece to boil for another five minutes, then we lay it out on sterile jars, cap it with boiled lids and hide it until it cools down completely into a warm blanket.