How to make a guy bored?

If a guy misses you, then this is one of the signs of his falling in love. Only here is how to find out if a guy misses, but if there is not then how to make the beloved bored? Do you need mysterious magic rituals or do you just need to change your behavior a little?

How to make a guy bored? Magic will help!

Wanting to change something in our life, we begin to search for ways to achieve the goal and very often turn our eyes towards magic, considering it the least expensive way. But this is not so - any magical action requires willpower, and concentration throughout the process. So if you burn a candle, wanting to bewitch a guy, and think about dumplings lying in the freezer, then the maximum that you can get from this action is the desire to eat. Therefore, before the action begins, you need to clearly imagine the image of what should happen as a result of the ritual. And it is not the future, but the present, that should be presented, as if the desire has already been fulfilled. In addition, to create love magic should be on the growing moon, and his intention to carry out the ritual to keep a secret from everyone.

So, how to make a beloved guy bored? You need to take any thing that was in his hands. On this thing, 9 times it is necessary to read the plot: "I adjure you (name of the beloved), your thing with me, your thoughts about me. Stretch to me, miss me, you will find joy only when you are with me. " You need to hide a hidden thing at home so that it does not catch anyone's eyes. After the ritual is done, you need to stop thinking about fulfilling the desire, believing that everything has already happened. Well, so that the guy had time to get bored, you should not see him for several days.

How to make a guy miss: psychology

If you are wary of all the magic "tricks", then you should turn to psychology. She also knows how to make a guy miss.

Everyone remembers Pavlov's dogs with their conditional instincts? This can be done with people. If a person enjoys, then he will do his best to repeat the actions that lead to such a result. It seems that everything is clear, the guy is good with you, he misses you. Therefore, he runs all the way to get good again. However, there is one problem - you are not the only woman on Earth, and therefore this "good" a man can get with any other. So what should the guy miss you for? It is necessary that in his memory all the pleasant moments of your relationship are imprinted, so that the process of obtaining pleasure is associated with you. NLP for this purpose advises to hang a loved one with "anchors" - to create a connection between a pleasant moment and your persona. Such as the fragrance that you smelled in your first date, the song that played the most romantic moments for your couple, the words that you whisper in his ear during an orgasm, etc.

How it works? For example, he hears music, he remembers that you kissed passionately to this melody, and then he heard periodic music, in general, this music in his thoughts is associated exclusively with you. Memories go further, he understands how he was fine then with you and how not very good now. In a word, the guy is beginning to miss you.

Many girls try this way to cause the guy to love a longing, like ignoring his calls, avoiding some time meeting with him. The method is really good, but only if the girlfriend of the guy has already managed to "hook" something. And still here you need to be afraid to overdo it - if the girl does not give long signs of interest, then the guy behind her "hunt" will stop - no future projects are needed by anyone.

How to understand that the guy is bored?

To understand that a guy is bored without you is pretty simple. He constantly shows his desire to be there all the time. For example, he often calls, writes messages, and when he meets constantly looks into his eyes, tries to touch as often as possible. And he also wants to spend all his free time together, he says he can not wait for the next meeting.