Why do we fall in love?

The state of love is surprising and difficult to explain. Indeed, it is very difficult to explain why during a life among an infinite number of choices we fall in love with someone alone. However, psychologists claim that all the accidents of our life are not at all accidental, and the preference that we give to one, rejecting the other, can also be explained.

What are the features of choosing a loved one?

Although it is difficult for us to understand why this one, and not the other, took hold of our heart, there is an explanation. The state of love for most of us comes already in the early youth, and it is built on the emotional, often - protest (parents do not like) attitude towards the object of love. We are getting older, and, it happens, we can not understand why we fall in love with this person. And there are explanations:

  1. Visual perception . Psychologists say that our choice of partner unconsciously (or subconsciously) is built on comparison with the image of one of the parents (the girl compares her young man with her father, the young man elects her with her mother). At the same time, this can be visual perception first .
  2. Biochemistry . When they try to understand why people fall in love with a certain person, they also pay attention to the biochemical processes that influence the nature of the choice, but again they are connected with the house. Each of us is accustomed to certain smells: apartments, things of the mother and father, the fragrance of spirits that Mom loves, the smell of cigarettes to which the father is accustomed, etc. If such smells are found on acquaintance, the chosen one (or the chosen one) involuntarily draws to herself.
  3. Behavior . Not the last role plays and the behavior of the lover. If it finds similarities with the behavior of the father / mother (even if they are negative traits), such a person will "attract" to him.

But if everything is connected with habits and familiar images, then why a person falls sharply in love with another - a natural question. Scientists say that this is due to the level of internal vibrations, which at some point coincide. This determines sudden love .