Dr. Mirkin's Diet

The diet of Dr. VI. Mirkina is not just a diet from a well-known nutritionist, but also from a psychotherapist. "Diet of exceptions" is the second name of the system developed by him. It can not be called a diet in the usual sense of the word: first of all, it is the system of healthy nutrition, which must be adhered to not for a few days or weeks, but for life. It is interesting in that it affects the psychological aspects of getting rid of extra pounds.

The diet of Vladimir Mirkin: the basics

Each diet has its own backbone of rules and beliefs that determine its individuality. In the case of the Mirkin diet, this includes not only nutrition recommendations, but also some prescriptions regarding thinking:

  1. First and most importantly - accept your own responsibility for your weight. You are not that kind of nature. But because you eat so much. Any person, even if he has a wide bone, poor heredity and slow metabolism, is able to acquire harmony. You are what you are doing yourself.
  2. You should have a real intention to reduce weight, not empty thoughts of losing weight.
  3. You need to have a strong motivation - the reason for weight loss. It can be any - be more beautiful and please or find a loved one, start wearing things two sizes smaller, etc.
  4. It is necessary to know exactly your goal - that is, the desired weight. Calculate how many kilograms you need to lose weight - this figure should be specific.
  5. Make proper nutrition a habit, completely abandoning the previous food system, which has already proven its failure by what led to excess weight.
  6. Make sure the first step, after which you can not stop.
  7. Follow the intended path, no matter what happens.

By following these rules, you will certainly achieve your goal.

Diet of Dr. Mirkin: menu and rules

The Mirkin diet menu provides a low-carb diet, which guarantees a monthly weight loss of 5 to 10 kilograms, depending on how much you weighed before. Continue to eat on the system can be from one month and almost to infinity. In the Mirkin diet, there are no special recipes for cooking or unusual expensive products. There are a number of features:

In addition, you are waiting for bans on food groups, in which there are many carbohydrates:

The diet of Dr. Mirkin is quite unusual for an ordinary person, but the results are excellent.

Diet of Dr. Mirkin: menu for the day

Let's consider an exemplary menu, designed with all the requirements of Dr. Mirkin:

  1. Breakfast . Portion of cottage cheese / low-fat cheese / pair of eggs / boiled meat or fish / cutlets - 100 grams (serving the size of a pack of cards) + tea / coffee without sugar.
  2. Lunch . Any broth or soup without thick + 100 grams of meat / fish + a serving of vegetable salad + a small piece of bread + unsweetened juice / compote.
  3. Dinner . 100 grams of meat / fish + a cup of yogurt.

You will not be bothered by a feeling of hunger - between light meals - light vegetable snacks - cabbage, Bulgarian pepper, radish, cucumbers, beets, tomatoes.