Drugs for improving immunity

Still some 50-70 years ago people knew very little of medicines that can cure them of illnesses. But times change, and today every pharmacy is packed with colorful boxes with colored pills - from cough and cold, headaches, infections, fungus, neurosis, for the stomach, heart and many others. And only relatively recently the pharmacists placed unknown drugs on the white shelves with the strange name "immunocorrectors."

Immunocorrectors - for or against?

These medications are designed to enhance immunity - it would seem, quite logical strategy of treatment and prevention of diseases - to increase immunity. But right after this innovation, both the open admirers of this remedy and his opponents appeared among the physicians: the first think that these medicines are very relevant in our age of new viruses and outbreaks of influenza, while the latter believe that these medicines are not only meaningless but harmful .

The evidence that would definitely confirm this or that position is not. However, in practice, many already could see how these medicines make life easier. Therefore, progress has gone against the will of the dissenters, and now these immunocorrectors are very many - only the most lazy pharmaceutical factories do not produce them. In order not to get confused, what immunocorrectors really worth paying attention to, read this article.

The best drugs to improve immunity

Drugs that increase immunity in adults can be divided into two groups:

The first group of medicines is created from artificially deduced molecules, and the second contains natural components in a diluted form with a certain proportion.

Homeopathic remedies for improving immunity

Homeopathic medicines for correction of immunity are not as many as synthetic. This is due to the low popularity of homeopathy in modern medicine, but this does not mean its inefficiency. Particular attention should be paid to the German company Heel, - its medicines are very useful when it is necessary to cure the disease with a minimum of side effects. The effectiveness of these drugs is able to compete with the curative ability of the usual synthetic medications.

  1. Galium-Hel. This drug helps to activate those cells of the body that are responsible for detoxifying functions. Thus, it activates immunity, and is used both in preventive measures, and in the treatment of infectious and bacterial diseases.
  2. Engistol . This medicine affects certain enzymes (sulphide), and therefore it is better not to take it simultaneously with antibiotics, tk. he neutralizes them. This means that the drug is effective in viral infections. At the same time, it activates the work of blood vessels and accelerates metabolism, which increases the protective functions of the body.
  3. Echinacea compositum. The effect of this medication is aimed at reducing inflammatory processes, as well as activating immunity and detoxification functions of the body. Echinacea compositum improves nonspecific and humoral immunity.
  4. Aflubin . This medicine activates local immunity, reduces fever and inflammation. This remedy is worth taking for a long time before the outbreak of influenza. Not belonging to the line of Heel drugs, aflubin has a lower efficiency.

Medicinal preparations for increasing immunity

  1. The immunostat. This drug is effective for ARVI, as well as for the viruses of group B and A. It helps only at the initial stages of the disease, when the virus penetrates into the cells, therefore, in case of prolonged treatment, it does not make sense. It provokes the synthesis of interferon in the body and activates macrophages - the main "fighters" of the immune system.
  2. Amiksin. This medication is involved in the creation of interferon type a, b, g. It is used in medicine as a low-toxic antiviral agent. At the same time, it activates the growth of stem cells.
  3. Cycloferon. This medication accelerates the synthesis of interferon type a and b. It also normalizes the ratio of T-superstressors and T-helper cells, which constitute human immunity. It activates bone marrow stem cells to create granulocytes. Its effectiveness is quite high throughout the illness. The greatest effect it has on viruses, influenza, as well as ARVI.