Dog Pug

Pug is a breed of miniature dogs that came to us from China. Their closest relative is the pikinis. Even in ancient Chinese manuscripts, two types of dogs are reported: Ha Pa and Luo Jie. This was the ancestors of the pikines and pug we know today. What is their main difference? The length of the coat. The other characteristics are too similar.

For a long time in China pugs were considered royal dogs. The wrinkles on their faces resembled hieroglyphs, and the wrinkles themselves were called the imperial sign - this brought them closer to the gods.

Then the dog came to Holland, where for some reason it was called the Chinese mastiff. For a long time the pug was wandering around Europe, until in the 80s of the last century he got to Russia.

Dogs that look like pugs

Dogs of small breeds such as pug can be divided into three types. Terriers - pugs - a variety of the most common. They have a straight elongated torso and a long neck. Pug-bulldog - the owner of a wide torso and a special arrangement of the limbs and shoulder blades. For example, looking at your feet, you might think that they are knitted with an invisible thread. And, at last, the third kind is shar pei (unacceptable type). These are full, forcibly fattened pugs. They are covered with folds, like shar pei.

Characteristics of dog pug

What does a pug dog look like? The wool of the baby pug is harsh and short, but rather pleasant to the touch and shines. Without wrinkles and folds, this is no longer a pug - their presence, especially on the face with sad eyes - is mandatory. At the same time, it is not necessary to fight against them, the more they become clearer, the better. And the fold between the eyebrows is the main advantage of the dog.

The color of the pug can be very different - dark and all the options for switching to light colors with tan marks. But if you follow the standard, then the ideal color of the coat will be considered yellow-brown.

The weight of a mopsy can be from six kilograms to eight and a half, and growth - from twenty six to thirty centimeters. And too little growth is a violation of the standard.

By nature pugs are peaceful and very affectionate. Once having chosen his beloved master, the dog will be faithful to him all his life. But at the same time, pug loves attention, and if he does not have enough, he will demand it in every possible way. It will pour into a sea of ​​pranks and noise.

Pig Care

In order that your pet is not overgrown with fat, he needs to arrange long promenades. They will also help the proper development of the muscles of the animal.

After walking, you need to clean the baby's paws. You can bathe once or twice a month. Do not forget to cut your pet's ear, clean your ears and eyes. Combing the pug is not difficult, because he does not have a long coat on which the coils can form.

How many dogs do pugs live?

The life span of the pug is thirteen - fifteen years. But it all depends on the proper care for this gentle beast.

Mating dogs Pugs

The puberty of both girls and pug boys occurs during the first year of life. But this process must be carefully monitored, should be shown to a specialist, especially if you are planning to breed these charming dogs.

Directly binding is an important process not only in dog life, but also in the life of the host. Much depends on the first mating. From the correct behavior of dogs will depend on the result - will the offspring or not.

Experienced dogs know that they are leading a girl to the future father of her children. And if it's the first time for one or both pets, it's better to invite an instructor.

If you still do not plan to mate, and you have several different sexes live together, try to isolate the males, otherwise you will soon be nursing the "unexpected" offspring.