
Hyperprolactinemia is a condition of the body in which an excessive amount of the prolactin hormone is produced by the pituitary gland. What are the causes of this pathology, how to treat it and what consequences there may be - consider this article.

Types of the disease:
  1. Functional hyperprolactinaemia is due to chronic endogenous stress.
  2. Idiopathic hyperprolactinaemia is the excess of the level of hormone production for unidentified reasons.
  3. Transient hyperprolactinemia is a consequence of infertility.

Causes of hyperprolactinaemia in women

The main cause of the disease is the disruption of the hypothalamic-pituitary complex. Any changes in the functioning of this system cause an increased production of prolactin. They can be provoked both by physical injuries - tumors (pituitary microadenoma, prolactinoma, glioma), craniocerebral trauma, and various types of infections (encephalitis, meningitis). In addition, the use of hormonal drugs and oral contraceptives may cause hyperprolactinemia.

In cases where the cause of the disease can not be established, the determining factors are stress, strong emotional and physical activity, lack of sleep.

Signs of hyperprolactinaemia

Treatment of hyperprolactinemia

Therapy of the disease depends on the causes that caused this condition.

If the determining factor is pituitary tumor or its physical damage, then either surgical intervention (microsurgery) or radiotherapy with radiation of benign tumors is used.

In situations where the pituitary gland, according to the results of magnetic resonance imaging, was not subjected to physical changes, hyperprolactinaemia involves conservative treatment with medications. They prevent the excessive production of prolactin, normalize the hormonal balance and restore the ability to conceive and give birth to children.

Sometimes hyperprolactinaemia is caused by insufficient adrenal work. With these diagnoses, hormone replacement therapy is prescribed with drugs that stop the flow galactorrhea and increased production of prolactin.

Consequences of hyperprolactinaemia

When the cause of the disease is a tumor of the pituitary gland, slight visual disturbances are possible. Despite the fact that the neoplasm is very small, it can squeeze the optic nerve.

One of the most common consequences is infertility. But in this case it is not a sentence, the opportunity to have children can be restored with successful treatment of hyperprolactinemia and restoration of a normal hormonal background.

As indicated, mastopathy refers to the symptoms of the disease in question. Hyperprolactinaemia without appropriate treatment significantly worsens the condition of the woman, the breast greatly increases in size, swells, changes shape and color, and nipples can appear. It is advisable to begin therapy at the first signs of mastopathy, as this disease in some cases provokes the development of breast cancer.