HPV - symptoms in women

The human papilloma virus is widely spread. More correctly, this is not one virus, but a whole group, which includes several dozen different subspecies. Although different types of HPV are susceptible to men, more often the symptoms appear in women.

Features of the human papillomavirus

Papilloma virus is an insidious infection that promotes a change in the structure of skin cells and mucous membranes. Tumors that are formed in infected by a virus can be of different sizes, but usually do not grow more than a couple of centimeters. Passes HPV by contact and household routes, lingering on mucous and skin.

The biggest problem is that the incubation period of HPV in women can last from a couple months to several years. And accordingly, the first signs of infection with the virus are not immediately apparent. Patients do not notice any unusual sensations, while the disease develops in the body.

There are two major groups of HPV in risk:

Representatives of the first group of serious health problems do not cause. But viruses from the high-risk group can cause cancer or dysplasia of the cervix. It is because HPV can hide for a long time without showing itself, women are recommended to undergo a regular examination at a gynecologist.

How is HPV manifested in women?

The main symptoms of the human papillomavirus virus differ depending on the type of it that got into the body. Very often, a person with good immunity, infected with a virus, may not even suspect that he is a carrier of HPV. All thanks to the fact that the immune system controls and restrains the virus.

HPV 1-4 types

Viruses of 1-4 types are considered to be harmless. They contribute to the appearance of warts on the palms and soles. Usually the color of such papillomas is the same as the color of the skin around the tumors. Warts do not bother women physically, but from an aesthetic point of view they look unpleasant. Papillomas can appear and disappear on their own.

HPV 6 and 11

The main symptom of HPV types 6 and 11 in women is genital warts . Most often, these growths indicate a weakened immunity of the infected. Condylomas appear mainly on the genitals and around the anal passage. Can be single or group. In rare cases, condylomas itch, but often do not show themselves. Women can grope for them during washing, and during sexual intercourse the growths very often break, and in their place wounds are formed.

HPV 16 and 18

The most dangerous HPV in women are 16 and 18 types, the symptoms of which, unfortunately, are recognized too late. These viruses are dangerous because they are able to change the cells of the mucous membrane of the uterus. Because of this, the process of maturation of cells is disrupted. That, in turn, brings the cervix to a precancerous state. The third stage of the disease is most dangerous. In time to notice HPV it is possible, only on a regular basis passing inspection and handing over all necessary analyzes.

Suspicions should cause any disturbances in the functioning of the body as a whole and the reproductive system in particular. Outside Depending on the type of HPV, its signs in women may be acute pain during intercourse, disappearing upon completion, sudden atypical discharge. Sometimes papillomas in infected people appear not only on the genitals, but also in the chest, under the arms, on the eyelids, on the neck.

Warn the development of HPV in the body can be, constantly maintaining normal immunity and respecting hygiene standards. Undermining the immune system can be constant stress and overexertion, so if possible they should be avoided. To prevent the virus from entering the body, all the wounds should be disinfected.