How to transplant a monster?

A resident of the tropical forests of America and India, monstera, when growing, requires, like any other indoor plant, adequate care. We suggest we learn how to transplant the monster correctly.

How often should I change the monster?

If you grow young plants, then "redeployment" in a new pot they need every year. Adult 3-4-year-old flowers are not so demanding: they will have to be transplanted every two years. If a five-year-old monster is hiding in your house, she is shown to move to a new land every three or four years, not earlier. However, in this case, due to soil compaction, it is recommended to pour the substrate every year into the pot.

How to transplant a monster?

Transplant is usually done in the spring. To do this, buy ready-made soil for monsters or prepare it yourself. A suitable loose substrate is obtained from turf ground, sand of humus and peat taken in the ratio 1: 2: 1: 1. This mixture is ideal for young plants. If we talk about how to transplant a large monster, then for adult flowers, the soil should consist of 3 parts of turf ground, as well as 1 part of sand, humus and peat .

Attention should also be paid to the selection of the container for the plant. As to which pot to transplant the monster, the best option will be elongated and spacious flowerpots. For young flowers - the size of a bucket, for adults - like a tub. At the bottom of the pot necessarily put a drainage layer - pebbles, expanded clay.

Young plants are transplanted by the method of transshipment, when together with the roots in the new container they send an earthen lump. So the monster will quickly take root in a new place. The root system of adult flowers is first released from the old soil, and only then transferred to a new pot. As for the moment, how to transplant a monster with air roots, then, firstly, these roots should not be removed - it is an additional source of moisture for the plant. And secondly, the roots in the lower part of the monster are simply inserted into the ground, as a result of which they will take root.