Root parsley - growing

Growing root parsley - the occupation is not troublesome, if you know the subtleties that the reader can draw from this article. It will talk about preplant preparation of seeds and soil, as well as how to grow this plant properly, in order to obtain an excellent harvest of large roots, because it is they who are valued in this form of parsley.

General information

Root parsley sugar is a biennial. In the first year after sowing seeds, it gives fragrant roots, but seeds can not be collected from the plant until the second year after planting. The root of parsley is indispensable in salting, and still very useful for the body of children and adults. It is proved that with its regular use in food, the eyesight and functions of the kidneys are improved by an order of magnitude. Also it is reliably known that substances from the root of parsley strengthen the gums and contribute to the early healing of wounds.

To grow from the seeds of sugar root parsley it will not take much space, it is enough to allocate a bed-another on its site. Usually it is sown in the early spring, as soon as the snow comes down. To understand when it is necessary to sow root parsley is very simple. Once the ground thawed, you can immediately get down to business. The most common and popular varieties of root parsley are "Harvest" and "Sugar", although, by and large, unsuccessful varieties of this culture and no. However, whatever variety is chosen for sowing, so that the seeds can ascend quickly and the crop is abundant, one should heed the recommendations that will be given in the next section.

Planting and care

As mentioned above, the best time to plant a root parsley is early spring. It starts with the preparation of a planting bed for sowing. To do this, it must be dug, at the same time, add 2-3 liters of sand, 4-5 kilograms of humus to each square meter and sprinkle a tablespoon of phosphate fertilizer on top. Thus, thanks to the sand, we get a good drainage, and the soil will be filled with all the nutrients that the young plant needs. After making all the components, the upper part of the soil is leveled, and then the beds are formed.

As you know, the seeds of root parsley germinate for a very long time, sometimes two weeks or more, but experienced farmers know how to shorten the period of their germination in half. To do this, put the seeds on gauze, moisten them with warm water, then cover them with a second layer on top and moisten again. In this condition they are recommended to leave for two or three days, after which shoots of young greens will appear on the 5th-7th day after sowing.

The sowing of the root parsley is done shallowly, it is quite enough groove depth of a centimeter, which can be done on the bed and finger. It is important that the distance between the rows in the bed is not less than 15-20 centimeters, a more frequent planting will negatively affect the size of the roots.

Growing and caring for root parsley are in many respects similar to the cultivation of carrots , but there are some subtleties that are inherent only in the presented culture. In order for the roots to turn out large, shoots must be thinned, leaving 2-3 plants every 3 centimeters. A month later, the beds are thinned again, this time leaving the plants every 7-10 centimeters. Thus, it is possible to achieve that the plants do not clog the growth of each other's root crops. Very important and weeding, because parsley does not tolerate the neighborhood of weeds.

We hope that from this material the reader will understand how to plant and grow root parsley. It remains to wish, that in this business truck farmers were accompanied by weather and then all necessarily to turn out as well as possible!