Protein Custard

A classic protein custard , without the addition of gelatin, oil or other stabilizers, is essentially a simple Italian meringue. The essence of the preparation of this variety of meringue is that in the whipped whites until solid peaks, with constant stirring, the hot sugar syrup pours in. The ready-made mass can be immediately put on top of the confectionery and consumed, and can be pre-baked or browned with a burner.

In the case of brewing proteins, the risk of salmonellosis is lost, which is always present when eating raw eggs. The fact is that Salmonella dies already at 70 degrees, while the temperature of the syrup stably ranges from 160 to 170 degrees. Without further ranting, let's move on to the recipes.

The recipe for a custard protein cream



Before preparing the protein custard, make sure that all used dishes are thoroughly degreased, since even a drop of fat can prevent the whipping of proteins.

We put a small saucepan on medium heat and mix sugar and water in it. Gently stir the mixture until the sugar crystals dissolve, after which stop the stirring and leave the caramel to boil. In this case, it is advisable to use a cooking thermometer to determine the caramel's readiness, but if there is none, use the "smooth ball probe". Golden (but not brown!) Caramel drips into cold water. Frozen caramel ball should be elastic, but do not glue your fingers.

During cooking caramel, periodically clean the walls of the pan from the crystallized sugar with a wet culinary brush. While caramel is brewed, let's start whipping the proteins. Proteins of room temperature are whipped into a light foam, add a little citric acid and continue whipping until stable peaks are formed while raising the corolla.

Without stopping the work of the mixer, we pour a thin trickle into caramel proteins. The finished cream should turn out smooth and shining. Now, the protein custard can be used to decorate cake, cake, cakes and desserts. Separately, such meringue is baked at 200 degrees for 2 hours.

Custard protein cream with gelatin

Cream, cooked with gelatin, resembles a marshmallow in its consistency. In this recipe you can use not only simple gelatin, but also a ready-made mixture for jelly, to give the cream a certain taste, color and aroma.



From sugar and water, cook the syrup, as described in the recipe above. In the meantime, whisk egg whites with lemon juice until hard peaks. Jelly is dissolved in water following the instructions.

Do not stop whipping the cream, add sugar syrup to it with a thin trickle. In the finished cream, also without stopping whipping, pour in the dissolved jelly.

Protein custard with oil



Whisk egg proteins at room temperature until solid peaks. Sugar with water is mixed in a saucepan and cook from it syrup. Ready syrup pour a thin trickle, continuously whipping the squirrels. Add the vanilla extract to the cream.

Now that the custard is ready, add some soft butter in portions, continuously whipping at a medium speed with a mixer. During the addition of oil, the custard protein-oil cream can begin to be taken with lumps, but do not worry, continue whipping and it will return its original smooth and homogeneous consistency.