Croton - home care

Croton is a very interesting plant, often used in the design of houses and offices. The diverse shape and color of the leaves makes it a real decoration of the interiors. Some croton varieties grow up to 3 meters in natural conditions, but do not get scared, houseplants are not higher than 1 meter, although it is with proper care, without it the croton will not grow at all or simply will not please you with its unique appearance.

So how do you take care of the Croton flower? Immediately it is worth mentioning that there are many sorts of croton, but whatever they take, croton, petra or ekselent, care for them at home will be the same. So, let's do the floriculture.

Care of the Croton flower at home - its reproduction and disease

Croton (kodaeum) requires good care and attention to itself and can show off, showing its appearance (by changing the color of the leaves, dropping the leaves down and even dropping them) that you are caring for it incorrectly. The plant is thermophilic, loves light and hates drafts. Let's take a closer look at how to properly care for croton.

Temperature conditions

Croton needs heat, so the temperature where you hold it should be at least 16 ° C. Otherwise, the flower feels bad and begins to discard the leaves. Also, at a low temperature, the roots can rot in the croton. The winter temperature should not fall below 16-18 ° C, and the summer maximum should not exceed 20-22 ° C. If the room is hotter, it is necessary to ensure high humidity.


Good lighting is needed, without it the leaves of the croton lose their bright color and become evenly green. But from direct sunlight in summer, the flower needs to be protected. In the winter, on the southern window, the croton will be quite comfortable.


Spring and summer croton need regular copious watering. Drying can not exceed 1 cm of soil, if overdry, the flower will fall ill. But too zealous with watering should not be - the roots or the aerial part of the plant will rot. Winter and autumn watering is reduced. If the moisture is not enough, the croton will tell you about this by "hanging" down the leaves. In this case, do not fill the flower with water, it is better to spray it from the spray gun. Water for irrigation should be at room temperature, and of course fixed. When watering with cold water, the croton can begin to discard the leaves.

Air humidity

It is obligatory to spray the flower in spring and summer with water heated to room temperature. In winter, too, from sprinkling should not be abandoned. Do not forget to wipe the leaves of the plant with a damp cloth at any time of the year, at least once a week. And to increase the humidity, put a flat container with moist stones next to the flower.

Additional fertilizing

During the growing season, Croton needs complex fertilizers. They are brought once a week, after watering the plant. In autumn and winter, fertilize the flower once a month.


Transplant young plants you need once a year, in the spring. When transplanting, use a pot 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. Transplant plants should be carefully, keeping an earthen lump. Do not forget about drainage, it should be 1/4 of the pot volume. Adult croton to transplant more often than once every 2-3 years is not recommended.


With proper care Croton will grow actively, and you can think about its multiplication. When the croton blossoms, it forms the seeds, with which it is propagated, and they are planted in the soil in January-February, pre-soaked in growth stimulants. A pot of seeds is covered with polyethylene and is waiting for germination. But more often all Croton are propagated by cuttings. Do this in the spring. With a sharp knife, cut off the top lignified stump with a length of 10-15 cm. We cut the cut into warm water to wash off the milky juice and lightly dry it. We bind the leaves in a tube to reduce the evaporation of moisture. Cut the pot in a pot, cover with a plastic wrap and put it in a warm place. The stem is rooted for about a month.


Most often it is a scab, a mealy mug and a spider mite. In this case, the plant is washed with a soap sponge and sprayed with a solution of a special preparation.