Adding cucumber to yeast

For the fertilization of cucumbers, various means are used: chemical, organic, and even bread, and to be more precise, yeast contained in flour products. After all, the use of natural elements in the cultivation of any vegetable crops guarantees an environmentally friendly harvest.

Why is it advisable to use yeast as a fertilizer for cucumbers and how to properly water them, consider this article.

Can I feed cucumbers with yeast?

Cucumbers respond well to the introduction of yeast into the soil. This contributes to the activation of the growth of the plant itself and the fetus formed on it. It should be noted that the yeast contains necessary substances for plants, such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. This helps improve soil composition. That is why experienced gardeners recommend the use of yeast fertilizer when growing cucumbers.

To use this fertilizer does not damage the plant, you should know the basic rules for its preparation and introduction into the soil.

How to feed yeast varieties of cucumbers ?

As in cooking, yeast begins to act only in the warmth, so this additional dressing can be carried out only when the earth warms up well. This occurs approximately from the middle of May and throughout the summer.

Since the yeast is sold in a solid state (in compacted or dry granules), a solution must be made from them. For this:

From the compressed material, the solution is made as follows:

You can also make a bread soup:

Before watering, the resulting ferment is diluted with water in the proportions of 1 to 3. Under each bush should be poured on 0.5 liters of solution.

Adding cucumbers yeast can be done in a greenhouse, but not more than once in 2 weeks and no less than 4-5 times a season.

Despite the fact that fertilizing with yeast for cucumbers is one of the best, its carrying out does not exclude the need to make other fertilizers .