Phlox Drummond

Phlox Drummond is the only representative of his family , which is an annual plant. Its short life is compensated by a flower with abundant bright flowering. Planting and further care for the phlox Drummond is a simple occupation, so many people choose this flower to decorate their estates.

General information

Growing phlox Drummond at home - it's not a troublesome thing, because this flower grows on any soil. Despite the fact that this annual is very thermophilic, it is capable of withstanding the negative temperature without special consequences. Light soils with normal acidity are suitable for the colors of Drummond's phlox best. If at the same time they are still provided with timely irrigation, then before the riotous flowering of this plant the best garden flowers will fade. With proper care, the flock blooms to the first cold.

Seed sowing and growing seedlings

Cultivation of Drummond's phlox from seeds, and this is the only way to multiply the plant, should begin in mid-March. For this, it is necessary to dial into the box a light soil and mix it with a small amount of the upper peat. In the soil we make furrows with a depth of one centimeter, and we sow seeds there. Lightly sprinkle the seeds with soil and moisten the furrows with a spray. Soil temperature should be constantly within 23-25 ​​degrees for 10-12 days. After that, the seeds will ascend. After three weeks, young plants must be planted in peat cups.

In early May, the pots, together with the young phlox, are planted in the open ground. Be sure to observe the correct distance. The thing is that phloxes do not tolerate neighbors, even if they are relatives. If everything is done correctly and in the appropriate time, then the flowers of the phlox Drummond will please you with a magnificent blossom already in the middle of July.

Watering and fertilizers

The first fertilizing with mineral fertilizers of Drummond phlox is carried out two weeks after disembarkation. To do this, it is better to use a dilute bird droppings, in a bucket with a solution it is still necessary to add a matchbox of nitroamophoska. In July, second fertilizing is carried out, now only nitroamophoska is used (three matchboxes per 10 liters). Do not allow the soil around the plants to dry up and become covered with weeds, and water should be until the soil dries completely.

Observe these simple rules, and the colorful phloxes on the site will necessarily become the object of envy for your neighbors.