Clover tea is good and bad

Many people are sure that clover is a product for feeding livestock, but in fact it is not. Flowers are used in folk medicine in different recipes to improve health. Learning about the benefits and harm of tea from the flowers of clover, it will be impossible to give up a cup of an unusual drink. It is important to collect juicy and undamaged flowers that must be dry. Dry them in a dark and dry cool place.

Benefit and harm of tea from clover

Many plant a plant to decorate the infield, but few know that the flowers are rich in various substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Benefit of clover tea:

  1. The drink contains vegetable elements that are similar to the hormone estrogen, so it is recommended to drink it during menopause . To drink tea follows within a month. He will help with painful menstruation.
  2. Reduces the rate of destruction of bone tissue, which is an excellent prevention of osteoporosis .
  3. Normalization of pressure occurs and the rate of growth of cancer cells decreases.
  4. Speaking about the benefits and harm of tea from red clover, it is worth noting that the drink helps improve blood circulation and increases the elasticity of blood vessels.
  5. With regular consumption of the drink helps to strengthen immunity, which helps to resist infectious diseases. It is recommended to drink it during the period of colds.
  6. It helps the drink to cleanse the body of harmful substances.

Tea made from white or red clover can not only benefit, but also harm the body, so it is important to consider contraindications. It is forbidden to drink a woman who has a predisposition to breast cancer. You can not drink tea to pregnant women and if you have stomach problems. Do not drink in large quantities.