Dual relations

Dual relations arise between people, when they are an equal complement of each other. In families with such relationships, each of the spouses feels as comfortable as possible, the husband and wife understand each other from a half-word, always know in advance which minutes to support, intuitively understand who, what duties are fixed, etc.

Dual relations can arise in any person if he finds a similar half in his outlook, in spirit, in intelligence, etc. There are no "good" people who are always happy in marriage and "bad", unable to idyll in family life. Simply every person who has found his "puzzle" is able to build a dualistic relationship.

According to socionics, dual pairs arise spontaneously. People who make up the complement of each other do not even immediately realize how lucky they are. At the beginning of such a relationship, everything happens as if by itself - at first they simply began to communicate, then it became a habit to walk together, etc. Meetings of dual partners are not accompanied by a hurricane of emotions , and everyone has a feeling of peace and comfort. Only when parting, a girl and a guy understand how hard it is without each other, how they do not find their place and feel that those around them do not understand.

Dual marriage

Dual marriage is doomed to happiness and durability. People who have complete mutual understanding are not able to quarrel. All crisis periods in such a family are smoothed out thanks to support, empathy and similar emotions, i.e. if one is sad, because there are problems at work, then the other spouse will not take it into his head to have fun.

However, not all couples that make up dualistic relationships make marriages according to socionic statistics. People who do not have such relationships in childhood are afraid of such an addition of themselves or believe that the second half is very good and they do not deserve it. Or, on the contrary, having met a dual partner, there is a feeling that this person is very simple, uninteresting and does not cost him time. Having renounced dualistic relationships, a person can find himself in an unhappy life.