How to wean a cat to tear a wallpaper?

When we build a cat or a cat in the house, we, first of all, think that this will be the most gentle, affectionate and obedient member of our family. However, over time, all have to face quite unpleasant situations in which the beloved pet manifests its discontent or character. Sometimes, a cat rips off the wallpaper, shat in the wrong places, spoils furniture, turns the flowerpots on the windows, etc.

The first trouble we'll talk about in our article. Many owners wonder how to wean the cat to scratch the wallpaper? Although, often, this behavior is only a natural instinct, and therefore do not want to behave in such a situation rigidly with regard to the animal. But first, let us clarify some questions.

Why do cats shoot the wallpaper?

This is by no means the whim of your pet, but a simple natural need for sharpening and cleaning claws. Also, between the small pads on the paws of cats, there are glands secreting the smell of the animal, which then is a beacon for other cats that a person can not feel. However, with his help, the cat marks its territory, and for her it is very important.

How to wean a cat to scratch a wallpaper?

Before you start to scold the pet for the damaged wallpaper, you should understand the very reason for this behavior. After all, the cat can peel off the upper layers of claws, he wanted to mark the territory visually or pheromones, which are contained in the sweat glands on the pads of the paws.

As a rule, for different needs, cats choose the same place. So how can we wean the cat to scratch the wallpaper so as not to harm the animal? To begin with, you need to switch his attention to some other object or place where you can thread claws. They can become a small piece of logs, a board with a stretched burlap, a piece of carpet, etc. it is necessary that such a scribbler be attractive to the seal, and he could tear his claws in a specially designated place.

To place the nails , it is necessary in those places where the cat usually spends the greatest amount of time, where it sleeps and where it marks its territory with paws, preferably several pieces at once, and then move them if necessary. Then the animal will get used to the fact that you need to tear claws on this object, and not about the wall with the wallpaper.

How to protect wallpaper from cats if there is no scratch for a while? In this case, you can cause a pet to feel a sense of fear and fright, for this every time you observe that the cat is coming to the wallpaper, you need to shout sharply, clap your hands and sprinkle water on the little "bully". When you repeat this several times, your four-legged friend will become afraid of this place and will not dare come to him then.

What kind of wallpaper do not cats?

Many fans of cats advise to wall wallpaper wallpaper from natural material, such as husk and straw. He does not like the cat, and it will not be enough to scratch the paws there.

Although cats are unpredictable animals, therefore, it is not always possible to determine which cats do not fight properly. And how else to wean the cat to tear the wallpaper?

To do this, cover the abrasions with adhesive tape, plastic film, mesh, foil, in a word such material that your pet does not like. Or you can treat the surface of the wallpaper with a special remedy, which produces an unpleasant aroma for cats, especially citrus, and this will depress the animal, and it will not even be desirable to approach the place where it has often peeled the wallpaper.

As you can see, it is not so difficult to wean a cat to tear a wallpaper, as it may seem at first glance. The main thing is to show endurance, and the result will not take long to wait.