Can pregnant women drink beer?

With the onset of pregnancy, many expectant mothers begin to be extremely sensitive to everything that should go into their body, with increased suspicion considering even the usual products for potential harm to their own crumbs. But there is another category of "parents" who hold the opinion that a lady in a position should eat and drink, all that she "wills", because if a "pregnant" organism demands something, he must definitely give it. Pregnant women are known for their unusual taste preferences and quirks, so no one is surprised at the desire to drink beer. Here at "conscious" mums and there is a reasonable question, and whether it is possible to drink beer during pregnancy.

Is it possible to have beer during pregnancy?

Many pregnant women explain the use of beer by the fact that the body "asks" for the missing B vitamins, by analogy with how the lack of calcium causes an unbearable desire to gnaw a chalk in pregnant women. Beer must, indeed, is rich in vitamins, which, unfortunately, can not be said about the final product produced in an industrial way. The benefit of such a drink, saturated with preservatives and dyes, is very doubtful, but the harm from beer, not only for a pregnant woman, but for any other person, has long been scientifically grounded. A deficiency of nutrients is best supplemented by vitamin and mineral complexes for pregnant and lactating women.

The second argument, which lead "pot-bellied" beer lovers in defense of a foamy drink, is its low-alcohol content. The harmlessness of beverages containing a low concentration of alcohol is a dangerous illusion that caused a spike in a dangerous disease - beer alcoholism, to which women and adolescents are particularly vulnerable. As for the impact of beer on fetal development, unfortunately, the placental barrier misses alcohol molecules, regardless of the source of its origin. Alcohol, which got into the blood of a pregnant woman, penetrates into the baby's body, and no matter where it came from - vodka, beer or alcoholic tincture of motherwort. That's why you should exclude any alcohol, especially during the formation of organs and tissues of the fetus.

In addition, you can list and other "side effects", clearly voting for the question whether it is possible to drink beer during pregnancy, not in his favor:

Non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy

As for the consumption of non-alcoholic beer during pregnancy, here, too, everything is not entirely unambiguous. Replacing this drink with "ordinary" beer does not make much sense. Of course, this beer does not contain alcohol, but it includes various synthetic additives, including preservatives. Strictly speaking, to this beer the non-alcoholic has little to do with. Rather, it is a carbonated beverage that mimics the smell, color and taste of beer, thanks to the chemicals in its composition.

And one more reason why this drink should not be drunk - it causes a desire to eat with it something salty (chips, fish, crackers), and salt detains fluid in the body, causing swelling.

If the arguments against drinking beer during pregnancy have not convinced you, let's recount all possible consequences:

The stories of women who claim that they drank beer all the pregnancy and nothing terrible happened, should not play a major role in your decision whether you drink beer during pregnancy or not. After all, in this case, the life and health of your baby, not the abstract child of an extraneous woman, is at stake.

If you still want beer so much during pregnancy that you can not resist the temptation, then at least try to reduce the negative impact of this drink:

And is there any benefit from beer during pregnancy? There is! If it is not taken orally, but outside. Try after washing rinse your hair with beer, diluted in half with water. The hair after the beer "soul" becomes "alive", shiny, falls out less and keeps the shape perfectly. Just do not leave after that immediately "into people", until the beer "spirit" will not erode from the hair.