Burn with boiling water - first aid at home

Burns with boiling water - this is one of the most common domestic injuries. Most often a person receives minor burns of hands, accidentally shedding freshly boiled water. But there are cases, for example, an overturned pot with boiling water, when you can get and injuries to other parts of the body, and quite heavy. We will consider, what actions it is necessary to undertake at a combustion with boiled water in house conditions.

The depth of the lesion upon burning with boiling water

There are 4 degrees of such burns:

  1. The first. Only the surface layers of the skin are affected. There is a slight reddening and swelling, sometimes small blisters.
  2. The second. Deeper layers of skin are affected. Burn blisters with a thin wall arise. The place of the defeat is extremely painful.
  3. The third. The lesion affects the muscle tissue. Bubbles almost immediately burst, forming a scab.
  4. Fourth. The defeat comes to the bone, extensive withering of the tissues, a pain shock is very possible. At home, it is almost impossible to get such a burn.

What should I do if I burn with boiling water at home?

Burns with boiling water of the first and second degree, as a rule, do not require medical intervention and heal independently for a period of 2 days to 2 weeks, depending on the severity of the lesions. For burns with boiling water of a more severe degree, only first aid is available at home, before the ambulance arrives. First aid for burns with boiling water at home is as follows:

  1. If boiling water gets on clothes, it must be removed immediately, in order to avoid sticking to the skin.
  2. Place the affected area for 15-20 minutes under a tap of cold water from a tap or in a container of cold water. Apply ice to the burn should not be, as there is a risk of additional injury, but you can use a piece of wrapped in a tissue melted ice to wipe the burn.
  3. Treat the burn site with anti-burn agents.
  4. If the blister formed during burns burst, it is necessary to apply a bandage, with antiseptic ointment.

Here's how to treat the burn with boiling water at home:

  1. Panthenol, Bepanten and other similar means.
  2. Solcoseryl-gel. It is superimposed in case the bubbles are opened, helps to accelerate the regeneration.
  3. Levomekol. Antibacterial ointment is applied under the gauze bandage.
  4. Alcohol and spirit tinctures. Especially effective is the tincture of Echinacea. Alcohol-containing preparations are undesirable to use on burns with opened blisters. In addition, they can not be applied under the bandage, since in the latter case they can have a warming effect, and not a cooling effect.

Of the folk remedies, effective in treating burns are:

  1. Lotions and compresses of fresh leaf of aloe.
  2. Compresses from grated raw potatoes.
  3. Compresses with cabbage leaf.
  4. Whipped raw protein, which should be washed before it dries. Repeatedly applied several times. Although the method is considered effective, it can not be used in the presence of open wound surfaces (opened bubbles), since infection can be introduced.
  5. Sea-buckthorn oil . Promotes faster wound healing. It is used only at the burn healing stage, after the blisters have opened and the wound has dried.

And here's what you can not handle the burn:

  1. Sunflower oil and any other fat. They clog pores, prevent the removal of excess heat, and as a result, the burn deepens. Ointment on a fat basis can be used for further treatment, but in no case as a first aid.
  2. Iodine, zelenka and other antiseptics intended for cauterization of open wounds.
  3. Sour milk products (kefir, sour cream). The acid contained in them can be irritating, and getting into an open wound to promote the development of infection.
  4. Soda, lemon juice, vinegar and other irritants. This will increase pain, and in the future may slow healing or lead to scarring.

And remember that any means are applied to the burn surface only after it is cooled. Otherwise, if excessive heat has not been set aside, the burn may become deeper.