The second birth - a repetition of the passed or new sensations?

Women waiting for the second birth feel confident, because they have experience. But not always repeated delivery is a complete copy of the first. Let us consider this process in more detail, let us dwell on its key differences and peculiarities.

Second pregnancy and childbirth - features

It is worth noting that during the first pregnancy the expectant mother pays more time for her health and health, which positively affects the process of gestation. When the baby is repeated for many aspects, the mother does not have enough time, because of the upbringing and care of the first child. As a result - fatigue, anxiety for the health of a crumb, can adversely affect the process of pregnancy.

As for the delivery itself, the second delivery is easier and faster. Women themselves who gave birth to a second baby speak about this. Pregnancy, the second birth does not cause my mother a sense of surprise. Errors made at the birth of the first child (incorrect attempts, breathing) are completely excluded. This positively affects the process of delivery, reduces possible complications.

The second birth is lighter or heavier than the first?

This question often worries women expecting the appearance of a second baby or just planning a pregnancy. It is worth noting that, in the absence of complications, repeated delivery is tolerated more easily. And this has its own explanation. Talking about the second birth, differences from the first, doctors call the following key points:

  1. Disclosure of the neck occurs with less pain. An organism that has passed this stage in the past, quickly comes to a state of readiness. The cervical canal is often revealed almost unnoticeably for the woman in labor.
  2. Reduction of the first stage of labor. The most painful and painful for expectant mothers is the period of labor. At the first birth, it lasts 12-18 hours, with repeated childbirth - 4-8. As a result, less energy is needed, which is needed for the period of expulsion of the fetus.
  3. The birth of the baby is faster. From the moment of the passage of amniotic fluid to the appearance of an infant, an average of 4-5 hours (maybe less).

Signs of childbirth in a second pregnancy

Signs of the second birth, help the future mother to navigate and in time go to the maternity hospital. In this case, they do not differ from those that are fixed at the forthcoming birth of the first-born. However, it should be taken into account that in this case the process can proceed swiftly, the time between the appearance of precursors is reduced. If they are fixed in the primipara 2-3 weeks before the birth, the reproductive can appear in just a few days.

Harbinger of the second birth

Repeated people in most cases imagine how the second birth begins - this is the same as in the first-born. The difference is only in the time of their appearance. So the detachment of the mucous plug can occur within a few days or hours before the start of the process. This is explained by the fact that after the birth of the first-born, the neck becomes more pliable, slightly ajar.

Training fights for women waiting for the birth of a second baby, is fixed somewhat earlier. If we compare with the first pregnancy, the doctors talk about a difference of 14 days. This fact is related to the state of the reproductive system. In addition, it is necessary to say that women themselves have awareness, and the probability of confusing periodic contractions of uterine myometrium with pain in the lower abdomen is minimized.

How to recognize contractions at second birth?

It is important to be able to distinguish between training fights from prenatal. Latest:

Contractions at second birth are more fleeting, have a shorter duration. This is due to their greater productivity - the opening of the neck occurs as a result faster. Because of this, many women in labor do not notice how the period of labor passes and the fetus is expelled. At the end of this period of delivery, a baby appears on the light. To ensure that the birth does not begin at home, at the first signs it is worth to go to a medical institution.

When to go to the hospital at the second birth?

Talking about the second birth, the appearance of the baby in the world, midwives always warn pregnant women about the rapid delivery. Because of this, it is necessary to fully control the process of labor to exclude childbirth on the way to the hospital. Doctors recommend re-birth even after the onset of labor to go to a medical institution. Finding a pregnant woman under the supervision of doctors excludes the risk of complications of the birth process. We must not forget that the period of exile can take up to 40 minutes.

How is the second birth?

Childbirth of the second child in its current does not differ from the first. In this process, the same periods are singled out:

  1. Contractions (neck opening). This stage is characterized by the preparation of the birth canal to promote the fetus. Periodic contractions of uterine myometrium lead to an increase in the lumen of the cervix. The end of the period is a full disclosure - 10-12 cm.
  2. Attempts (expulsion of the fetus). During this period there is an active promotion of the baby through the birth canal. The neck together with the vagina become a single whole. The contraction of the muscle fibers, together with the arbitrary tautening of the parturient woman, leads to the appearance of the child in the light.
  3. Departure of the afterbirth. This process has less pain in second birth. It takes less time.

How many second births last?

The midwives claim that repeated delivery takes place more quickly - the second birth is easier than the first in this plan. If, at the appearance of the first-born, the mother is pre-prepared for 11-12 hours of "exhausting labor", then the second baby appears in just 7-8 hours. These figures are approximate. Because of this, the question as to how many second births last in time, doctors can not give an unambiguous answer. It is worth noting that this fact is completely dependent on:

At repeated births, each stage is reduced. Sheika after the first delivery is more elastic and softer. Because of this, the disclosure occurs earlier, simultaneously with the shortening of the cervix. The attempts are more intensive, the phase of the fetal expulsion comes almost immediately after the opening. Repeatedly correct and productive put on, follow the breath , which facilitates the process, reduces soreness.

Second delivery after cesarean section

Many women are confident that the second birth after cesarean is carried out exclusively in an operative way. However, everything depends on what was the indication for carrying out cesarean for the first time. The main ones are:

In the case when the first cesarean was conducted because of a large fetus, or pelvic presentation, the second birth is possible and natural way. An obligatory condition is the consistency of the suture on the uterus. To complete its formation should take 1-2 years. Directly for this purpose, women are not recommended to plan pregnancy during this time period.