Test for leakage of amniotic fluid

Many future moms are afraid of panicking the moment of leakage of amniotic fluid, which is due to a complete lack of knowledge about the symptoms and causes that accompany this phenomenon.

The most terrible thing is that such a pathology can be taken by a woman for an ordinary "daub", since the leakage of amniotic fluid occurs almost unnoticeably and for a long period only a few drops of liquid can be released.

A routine examination by a gynecologist will not be able to give specific information about whether a woman who has treated a woman has a premature outpouring of amniotic fluid or not. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out an analysis of the leakage of amniotic fluid, consisting in the study of smears from the posterior fornix of pregnancy. A positive result will depend on the presence in it of not only vaginal secretions, but also the particles of the desired component.

This method gradually begins to displace the so-called leakage test of amniotic fluid, which has become widespread among obstetricians and gynecologists since 2006.

Express test for amniotic fluid

Use this device is only meaningful if you suspect or have symptoms indicating premature discharge of the amniotic fluid. It is the test for the outflow of amniotic fluid that will show the presence of the studied component in the vaginal secretions, and the reliability of the data is almost 100%. This accuracy is explained by the reaction of the constituent substance to the placental microglobulin protein, which is one of the components of the amniotic fluid.

The choice of this reagent is based on the value of this protein, namely:

Application of the test for the flow of amniotic fluid

This method absolutely does not need additional means or devices. It is enough to collect a smear of the vaginal flora by applying a tampon, which is then placed in a specially designed test tube with a reagent. For literally one minute, the substance in the test tube determines the presence of the placental microglobulin. Then in the container you need to place the indicator strip that comes in the kit. If the test for amniotic fluid shows one strip, then you can not worry, and no pathologies are found. The presence of two bands is an alarm signal, symbolizing that leakage takes place. The absence of any identification marks on the test for amniotic fluid testifies to its inadequate quality and requires additional verification by the products of another manufacturer.

Advantages of test-indicators of self-monitoring of amniotic fluid

Effectiveness and effectiveness of the use of this method are confirmed by absolutely all medical institutions. Positive aspects of this test for the presence of amniotic fluid are:

The test for the determination of amniotic fluid is a truly unique method for determining the leakage of amniotic fluid, which can be used both at home and in a hospital setting.

However, if the pregnant woman observes such symptoms as: poisoning of the body, vomiting, pain in the lower abdomen and so on, then it is not worthwhile to test the amniotic fluid. It is better to immediately consult a doctor who is observing a nurturing.