Indications for cesarean section - list

Undeniable is the fact that surgical delivery (caesarean section) should be carried out only if there is sufficient justification, which are the absolute and relative indications for cesarean section.

What are the absolute indications for cesarean section and what are they?

Under absolute indications for caesarean section in obstetrics, it is customary to understand such situations when delivery in the classical way is impossible, or it is dangerous for the health and life of the pregnant, fetus.

To assign a caesarean section, it is sufficient to have one absolute indication to it, although there is a whole list. In those cases when the operation is carried out to save the life of a pregnant woman, it can be prescribed even in the presence of contraindications. In this case, doctors take the necessary measures to prevent abnormal situations.

If we talk about what kind of absolute testimony the cesarean section is doing then, as a rule, it is:

  1. Complete presentation of the placenta or incomplete, with severe bleeding and lack of a prepared birth canal (no disclosure of the cervix, anatomical abnormalities of reproductive organs).
  2. The threatening or beginning rupture of the uterus, as well as the inconsistency of the scar on the uterus after a previous cesarean or other gynecological operation.
  3. Premature detachment of a normally located placenta in an unprepared birth canal.
  4. Heavy forms of late gestosis, directly threatening the life of a woman.
  5. Severe forms of extragenital pathology with the threat of disability, the death of a woman (usually in combination with an unprepared birth route).
  6. Constriction of the pelvis III-IV degree.
  7. Exoostosis and tumors of the pelvic organs, consequences of trauma to pelvic bones, obstructing labor.
  8. Wounded or available fistulas of the genitals.
  9. A pronounced varicose veins of the cervix and vagina.
  10. Cicatricial stenosis of the vagina.
  11. Malformations of the genital organs.
  12. Cervical cancer.

What are the relative indications for cesarean delivery?

Relative are those indications when delivery by cesarean can provide a more favorable outcome of labor, both for the pregnant woman and her baby.

Assigns if there are several relative indications at the same time. It is very important to consider whether there are contraindications for the operation.

Relative indications for cesarean delivery include :

  1. Clinical mismatch of the size of the pelvis of the mother to the size of the fetus.
  2. The scar on the uterus, presumably, full, with the threat of its rupture in childbirth.
  3. 2 and more cesarean sections in the anamnesis.
  4. Anomalies of labor during unsuccessful treatment.
  5. Incorrect presentation and insertions of the fetal head.
  6. The transverse and oblique position of the fetus.
  7. Late gestosis in severe and moderate severity with a progressive course and lack of treatment effect in an unprepared birth canal.
  8. Preposition and prolapse of the umbilical cord.
  9. Cicatricial changes in the cervix and deep rupture of the cervix after previous birth.
  10. Myoma of the uterus with the presence of multiple nodes.
  11. Malformations of the uterus.

What are the indications for an emergency caesarean section?

Not always the operation is planned. At the following indications it can be carried out in an emergency: