Fitness after cesarean

Every young mother dreams of leading her figure to the shape after birth. However, for those who have undergone a caesarean section, sports can become problematic not only because of the lack of time and energy, but also because of medical contraindications. How to practice fitness after cesarean, what kinds of sports are allowed and which are prohibited? What should I remember while practicing fitness?

How to restore the stomach after cesarean?

Starting active sports after cesarean section, doctors do not recommend earlier than 2 months, and then, if there were no complications and problems. Before the beginning of the training, it is necessary to undergo a survey with specialists. However, such exercises as pulling in the belly can begin several weeks after the birth, if they do not cause unpleasant sensations and pain in the seam area. It is enough to draw in the stomach 3-5 times, gradually increasing the load, you can do this lying on your stomach, you can also strain the muscles of the buttocks and lower back. All this allows you to start working the muscles, as well as increase blood circulation in this area, speeding up healing.

Huluhup after caesarean

Another question that worries moms whose stomach was left after cesarean, is it possible after surgery to twist the hulaohup. This is really a fairly strong load on the press and on the seam after cesarean section , and therefore the mother should not only feel good, but also be sure that he has fully healed. If you feel pain in the area of ​​the seam when practicing with huluhup, they should be postponed for a while and again after a few weeks.

Fitness after cesarean section is a way to restore the old figure and enjoy your favorite clothes. However, physical exertion should be dosed, strictly analyzing their condition, if necessary - consulting with a doctor. This is the guarantee of your health.